Ok, so i was pretty woriied about not having done this properly and was getting round to sorting it out. I decided to phone the VW dealers and my local VW/Audi garage for advice. Couldn't get through, thus gave in. Later VW dealer phone up, nd i'm like let me speak to someone whos been there for a few years please.... told him my problem. He said he'd done it to his Jetta, it certainly is an engine support... Told me that i have to jack the engine up slowly til the holes line up. Then he said it took him 2-3 hours in the workshop, with a proper engine lift, and his mechanic friends. F**k i thought. So i set aside today, this time with some assistance, not just on my own. M<easured the holes on the new bumper against the old, pretty much matched up ok?! Pushed it in again, used a torch this time, and got dad to push in the directions to line the holes up. Took me 10 damn minutes, not 2 hours!! The reason it didn't fit greatly before is because of the radiator rubbers, i trimmed them and it went in!! No jacking of engine or anything. Really don't understand the problem!! Anyway thank you all for your advice and help, well mainly Veedubgti8v !! Now i feel comfortable with my engine!! Thanks again.
Oh, if anyone is selling the fogs..... or if someone can tell me where to buy some, as i need/want some.