Air ride is sh!t brad, been in a few cars now with it, if you are going to be a show car whore and leave it in a garage do it, if you want to drive the car proper and corner well dont touch it,
Air ride is made for wagons, buses and disabled people carrierso
I know one lad who had it and drove his car as a daily kept splitting the bags and had to get recovered
I would go for this, better road handling
HLS is available in two different versions: HLS 2 which is fitted to the front axle and HLS 4 which can be attached to the front and rear axle and allows lifting the entire vehicle. The hydraulic cylinder unit is located on the coilover body between spring perch and spring. Depending on the car type and model, KW HLS is either available as a vehicle-specific solution or as a conversion kit for KW or OEM coilover kits. Allows cars with low ground clearance to clear obstacles more easily
Available as complete kit including KW coilover kit or as conversion kit
Fast lifting - maximum lift occurs within 4 to 5 seconds when using HLS 2