Author Topic: Project Zippy (Midas Mk1 Coupe) Engine In!  (Read 64122 times)

Offline MrBounce

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Re: My New Long-Term Non Dub Project (Midas Mk1 Coupe)
« Reply #40 on: 09 April 2012, 20:10 »
As I had an hour or two to spare I thought I would strip and have a close look at the radius arms. How hard could it be??? I started with the nearside.

First up, I needed to get rid of the rubber bush and metal insert left behind on the stub axle when removing the coilover. A stanley knife dealt with the rubber part, and a soaking of WD40 followed by some swearing and severe use of a pair of molegrips eventually saw it removed and in the bin. It seemed that the rest would be plain sailing. Of course it wasn't.

Drum off? Check. Handbrake Arm removed? Check. Hub cover prised off? Check. Castellated nut removed? (which had no split pin!!) Check. Hub removed? Check. Bearing off with hub? Check...ish. Half of it was left behind on the stub. Did it want to come off? Nope. Seized solid. Due to the lack of a suitable puller, I had to think laterally or it was staying there and the backplate would not come off. Using a pair of side cutters, I snipped the cage surrounding the bearing and threw all the moving parts away. I then applied heat from a blowtorch, following this up with my trusty molegrips to try to get the thing to move. it did, just. A little more movement, then I released the molegrips and off it slid, leaving no damage to the stub axle. At least I have two new wheel bearings in the garage...

The rest of the arm was easily stripped; I am debating whether to just chop them in for a pair of exchange arms as although they seem ok and were well greased, I am unsure of their history. Plus they're a bit rusty. For the sake of £35-40 odd each, it seems a no brainer.

Arm on bench

Remains of the bush succumbing to the power of Molegrips!

Almost completely stripped after the nightmare of the stuck bearing (no photos as I was ANGRY!  :evil: )

Bumpstop removed. Looks a bit dead. These are the hydrolastic bumpstops as denoted by their number 21A1520. Not sure what they're for as they're not in the build manual anywhere...

Knackered brake cylinder with pipe still attached. It would NOT undo. Time for the bin...

« Last Edit: 09 April 2012, 20:23 by MrBounce »

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Offline MrBounce

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Re: My New Long-Term Non Dub Project (Midas Mk1 Coupe)
« Reply #41 on: 15 April 2012, 16:18 »
Having stripped the first radius arm, I gave the bits a quick wash in the Parts Washer. The hub will need a new bearing but everything else (including the backplate) just needs a quick wire brush and repaint. I do need a rubber gaitor for the handbrake mechanism but that aside, it's pretty straightforward. The drums though look a bit past their best, being pitted inside and rusty as hell outside. For the price they are, new ones are going to be added to the list.

I used some of the Deox-Gel I'd bought on the rear beam. It did a fantastic job, turning most of the rust into a deep brown mush when agitated with a wire brush. Once clean, I gave one side of it a coat of smooth Hammerite. I also cleaned up and painted the radius arm bracket. After leaving it overnight, I gave the other side a coat as well. Job done for now.

Time for the other radius arm. Would it be a nightmare just like the other one? Actually no. Everything came off as planned. The bolts holding the backplate on were a nightmare, needing the breaker bar to help shift them but once loose, it was all straightforward. The brake pipe was the only casualty, being so corroded it just snapped. No loss. It will be replaced anyway. The hub and bearing came off with no problem. It seems that the other bearing had "welded" itself to the shaft on the other arm, due to the small mark on it. Must go looking for new arms...

I also finally got round to removing the seatbelts. At the time when I first stripped out the interior I couldn't figure out how to get a spanner or socket on the bolts holding them in, hence why I had left them in situ. Then I had a "Eureka" moment, to combat my previous stupidity. I simply pulled the belts out as far as they would go and put a socket on. Can't believe I was so thick...  :grin:

Cleaned bits from arm #1

Dodgy drum

Beam covered in Deox-Gel

Cleaned bracket

Get the paint out!

...and the other side!

Scrap brake pipe (not that it matters...)

Pipe and cylinder, which went straight into file #13

Hub off with no trouble

Stripped arm #2

Belt out at last! New ones on list. These are mouldy...

Keeping schtum. Mostly.

Offline richw911

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Re: My New Long-Term Non Dub Project (Midas Mk1 Coupe)
« Reply #42 on: 15 April 2012, 16:21 »
Good stuff  :smiley: we had the same trouble few weeks back with radius arms  :angry:  :laugh:

MKIV Mod Squad™ a part of the headlight police.

Offline MrBounce

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Re: My New Long-Term Non Dub Project (Midas Mk1 Coupe)
« Reply #43 on: 29 April 2012, 21:22 »
Bit of a frustrating day today. I took ages doing stuff, but it actually looks like I have achieved very little. If everything I have done today hadn't been rusted to the car, it probably would've taken 3 mins, not the 3 hours I spent. That said a lot of time was spent simply tidying up the garage and just looking over the car.

Most of the time was spent removing old bolts etc. I won't bore you with the ins and outs of this as I'm sure you've got better things to do than read about me struggling for ages with rusty stuff. I have finally managed to remove one of the seatbelt stalks though; I need to drill out a rivet to make the other side easier: it is rusted solid - it's going to take a fair bit of brute force and ignorance to actually shift it.

Once I had had enough of trying to remove old bolts etc, I had a long look under the bonnet; I am aiming to remove the subframe in due course and it appears that previous owner Andy has done a fair bit of work for me already. There are polybushes everywhere (including the bottom arm pins and subframe rear mounts), but there are a few bits missing. The brake pipes are one example; a lot of it doesn't make too much sense to me. There's a pipe which leaves the top of the master cylinder, goes all the way past the shock absorber mount then doubles back on itself to the splitter. Why not just go straight to it? Then there is also a small pipe from the top of the splitter which goes up and over and stops at a male connection end. I am assuming that this is supposed to somehow then connect to the pipe which clips in at the front of the subframe - however there are no unions where the brake pipes go to the calipers. I would appreciate some assistance here as every brake system I have looked at before has been complete!

There are also two weird "stubs" sticking out from the bulkhead (not quite central) and I have absolutely NO idea what these are for. Any suggestions because I am stumped.

I also removed the chassis plate and put it in a safe place. It seems it was once on the other side of the car. Curious.

Seat belt stalk finally out. Bolt will be binned!

Polybushes showing on lower arm pins. That gold paint is gonna have to go!

WHAT the hell are these???

Curious brake pipe goes nowhere then comes back on itself. Why?

Small pipe goes into thin air.

Chassis plate removed from the right...

...but obviously used to live on the left. Can anyone clarify why?

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Offline Podge92

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Re: My New Long-Term Non Dub Project (Midas Mk1 Coupe)
« Reply #44 on: 30 April 2012, 17:18 »
the amount of work a full restore takes, is unbeleiveable!
i dont think ill ever do this, but at the age of 19 everthing is possible!

long do you think this will take?

Offline MrBounce

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Re: My New Long-Term Non Dub Project (Midas Mk1 Coupe)
« Reply #45 on: 03 May 2012, 23:13 »
the amount of work a full restore takes, is unbeleiveable!
i dont think ill ever do this, but at the age of 19 everthing is possible!

how long do you think this will take?

I'll just answer "Yes" to this...  :grin:

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Offline richw911

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Re: My New Long-Term Non Dub Project (Midas Mk1 Coupe)
« Reply #46 on: 04 May 2012, 12:40 »
the amount of work a full restore takes, is unbeleiveable!
i dont think ill ever do this, but at the age of 19 everthing is possible!

how long do you think this will take?

I'll just answer "Yes" to this...  :grin:


MKIV Mod Squad™ a part of the headlight police.

Offline MrBounce

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Re: My New Long-Term Non Dub Project (Midas Mk1 Coupe)
« Reply #47 on: 06 May 2012, 17:43 »
Whilst I was waiting for my new angle grinder-mounted wire brush to arrive (having killed the last one), I took the disgusting rear light lenses and the front sidelights/indicators and decided to give them a really good clean. Normally in this situation I would bung them in a dishwasher, but a) we don't have one and b) I am not 100% sure my colleagues at work would be happy with me if they found car parts in with their much-used coffee mugs. So I made myself very popular with Mrs Bounce and did the washing-up. With added bits. They have come up beautifully. Fairy Liquid: cleans your light clusters wonderfully and gives you baby soft hands...  :grin:

I then turned my attention to the sunroof frame. This was covered in horrible mastic-type stuff and also the remains of whatever rubber-based seal & glue was used. Having scraped the mastic off, not much was shifting the sealant & rubber so I had to try many evil concoctions that I had in stock, eventually settling on a good soaking in WD40! It's now clear of all the gunk. I have given the lip underneath a good clean up using my old mate the Dremel with a sanding attachment. It can now wait until eveything gets refitted before I do anything else to it.

The wire brush arrived so I quickly gave the brake backplates a clean-up and also stripped the bad paint from the beam (I really wasn't happy with how I had painted it before). I then gave these a good wipe down with white spirit and sprayed them with Hammerite.

It was time for that final seatbelt stalk to come out. It was clear that no amount of trying to use spanners or sockets was going to work, so I reached into the Dremel toolbox and pulled out the "reinforced" cutting disc. I am going to have to get some more of these! They're amazing! Considering that the bolts used for seatbelts are generally high tensile, it went through without too much effort (although it still took me 5 minutes to grind the bolt head off!). With the stub of the bolt in the vice and a pair of Molegrips on the captive nut on the plate I was able to remove it. I gave both plates a good clean with the wire brush attachment and have hammerited them. They'll get a second coat soon, then I will give the threads a tap to make sure they're clean and paint-free.

I also did the same with the plates where the seatbelts themselves attached to. They were disgustingly filthy with a good deal of surface rust underneath. They are now black, courtesy of the spray can!

I also cleaned up the new suspension parts I have; a nice chap on the Mini Forum was giving away loads of stuff so I managed to blag a pair of 1.5 degree negative camber bottom arms, some adjustable tie-bars and lower arm pins. Cheers Kieran!

Dead wire brush attachment

"Just doing the washing-up sweetie!"

My kind of draining board

Clean again!

Removing sunroof gunk (see middle of workbench)

Now much better on the bottom...

...and on the top

Backplates cleaned up prior to paint

And now sprayed along with the beam

Dremel brutally cuts!

Seatbelt stalk spreader plates looking much healthier

Seatbelt spreader mounts. One before, one after. Amazing what a bit of elbow grease can do (especially with power tools!)

New suspension bits - free!

« Last Edit: 06 May 2012, 22:05 by MrBounce »

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Offline VR6_Wherry

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Re: My New Long-Term Non Dub Project (Midas Mk1 Coupe)
« Reply #48 on: 10 May 2012, 10:32 »
Still love reading all this thread :cool:

Offline MrBounce

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Re: My New Long-Term Non Dub Project (Midas Mk1 Coupe)
« Reply #49 on: 13 May 2012, 19:54 »
I have given up waiting for a machine shop which clearly has bigger fish to fry than my rebore, crank polish and balance (they never bothered to call back with a quote in other words...) I spoke to a very good friend of mine who builds SS100 & C-type Jag replicas for a living and he put me in touch with a very pleasant gentleman. He is very much "old school" in that he has a house in the country with a massive engineering shed in the garden where he does his work. Almost my dream house...  :laugh:  Having had a lovely chat to him he has taken all the engine parts and will sort what I need over the next few weeks as I told him I was in no rush.

Back in the garage though, it has been a frustrating time. Once more the ugly spectre of seized rusty bolts has raised its evil head and I spent the best part of 3 hours trying to remove 3 bolts. No, REALLY. They were three of the four bolts through the bottom of the dash that hold the brackets for the heater. What should have been a simple 5 minute job with two 7/16" spanners was at first thwarted by the fact that the top of the bolts (and washers) had rusted together to form an amorphous blob of what once was metal. And of course trying to undo the nut just turned the blobs. Because of the angle they were at, I could not get the Dremel in there to cut it off flush. So I spent WAY too long cutting little bits of the bolt heads off before eventually chiselling the rest off. Then the Dremel died. The switch has killed itself. For the price of a new switch I can almost get a new Dremel; I will probably do that then sell the old one on ebay as "Spares or Repair". I really can't be bothered to try to repair it. Plus it was starting to sound a bit rough...

I dug out the engine front plate from the spares box as I remembered it REALLY needed a clean. Several years of sitting about in a box meant it was still covered in bits of old gasket sealant, some remains of the gaskets and a large amount of surface rust. I gave it a going over first with the scraper to get the gasket & sealant off, then with the wire brush attachment to remove the rust. I also cleaned the threads for the timing cover as they were full of all sorts of crud.

Finally I spent a bit of time painting the rear beam and a few brackets with Hammerite, as well as giving the brake backplates another spray coating. Note to self: when cleaning your brush with white spirit, do not drip it on the graze on your hand. Ow... :shocked:

Poxy heater bracket bolts: 3 out, one to go... (I had already thrown the other one away!!)

Beam & brackets in the process of drying.

Brake backplates after a second coat

Engine front plate after a damn good clean

Keeping schtum. Mostly.