Author Topic: Simple advice for complete novice  (Read 904 times)

Offline maxp

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Simple advice for complete novice
« on: 29 April 2009, 23:44 »
Bought a component alpine setup (came with 2 tweeters and 2 'normal' speakers).

I had planned on just using the 'normal' alpine speakers and ditching the tweeters because the mk2 already has them in the dashboard.

I've never wired speakers before so was wondering what the deal is with the little metal 'wings' on the left and right and if i need to do anything with them. I had planned just to rewire the golf door speaker wires onto the two plugs pointing upwards (in the pic).

Secondly, although i dont plan on using the alpine tweeters, i was curious as to why they have two connectors? Is this for ground, or extending the signal or something?

Offline DanoGTI

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Re: Simple advice for complete novice
« Reply #1 on: 02 May 2009, 12:35 »
The two cables on tweeters can be used to run into a crossover (ie, the full range of frequencies get split up and fed off to the various speakers).

The spades and prongs *should* have a little + or - on them, OR they should be different sizes. If you get the wrong way around, the speaker will pull in when it's meant to be pushing out  (ie out of phase)

the diagram shows effectively 2 speakers - both waveforms SHOULD be identical. If not you get little output (also can be heard as a "tinny" or "swishy" sound - certainly a MAJOR drop in bass response)

Hope this helps :)


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