Author Topic: Rather productive weekend, need new wheels.  (Read 1085 times)

Offline maaarcooose

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Rather productive weekend, need new wheels.
« on: 29 April 2008, 10:28 »
As the topic says, I had a rather productive weekend, even though I took Friday out for my birthday...

Finally got the wheel bearing done and painted the caliper.

The pads I got with the car, are the wrong sort. I suspect they are for a MK3. Got two sets and one set has the low pad sensor in them. Even when I went to the parts shop he pulled out the wrong ones. He eventually looked up the MK2 1.4 pads and they were correct.???

Took a few bits out of the engine for painting, rocker cover and the cooling fan frame. Nice coat of blue hamerite and they look much better. I think It's time I set up a project page.
Got a massive cleanig job in the engine bay. There is dust and grime everywhere. Also the rocker cover gasket needs replacing so there's a fair bit of oil on the cylinder block.

Couple more pics:

I need to get some replacement wheels ASAP.
If anyone would like to swap the ones I've got for something I'm open to anything as long as they will fit on without any spacers. These wheels will not fit on standard MK1 without spacers but would be fine if your calipers are a little further out. The inside of these grinds on the caliper a little without spacers.

If no one wants these, just a stupidly cheap set it what I need right now. Just something to put on and get through the MOT with.
Must have legal tyres on.

Now I just need to get some subframes for my seats.


Offline Phil303

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Re: Rather productive weekend, need new wheels.
« Reply #1 on: 30 April 2008, 00:02 »
I've got a set of four spare rims with legal tyres. They're the standard ones that came with Clippers, dull as dishwater but they're yours if you want them. I'm in Norfolk so not too far to arrange a collection or whatever. Similar to these ones but with slightly better trim...

Let me know.
