I need to change the RH outer CV joint on the mk3 GTi.
A friend has offered to help me (or rather do it for me) if I pick up all the bits needed (since I'm not the most experienced mechanic).
Just thought I'd check on here that I've got everything I need before I pop down to GSF for the parts.
The parts I believe I need:
Outer CV joint kit
Boot kit
CV joint grease
New hub nut
1) Is there anything else I need?
2) Would anyone advise changing the inner boot whilst the driveshafts off?
3) The Haynes Manual states the use of a new circlip. Does this come in the joint kit?
4) Do I need to change the gearbox oil while I'm there? I'm sure someone mentioned I'd have to do this if I'm removing the driveshaft (but the haynes manual doesn't mention it).
5) I read somewhere about the cv bolt sockets not being torx. I'm assuming my mate won't have the correct socket, and GSF website lists two - the M8 and M10. Any ideas which one I'll need?
Sorry for all the questions, but I need to get the car back on the road asap!