Author Topic: Got Chased By The Cops  (Read 2837 times)

Offline Cupra Turbo

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Got Chased By The Cops
« on: 24 December 2003, 22:06 »
I booted the car outta town earlier (about 5:30pm) after dropping a DVD off at blockbuster, and got onto the main road with this car constantly behind me no matter what speed I did... So I got to the junction and blasted away from it.... down to sum traffic lights and the hurtled up a hill with this car still chasing me, I thought it was a Boy Racer wanting a race... anywayz I've now left this car abit behind on a 40mph limit road (im doing 80Mph)... I get to my subburb and slow down to 30mph with the traffic and this car closes in on me and....


... wooops....

... I pull over at a safe bit of road... I press the window down and he says "So how fast u reckon u were going"... I reply with "dunno.. 50.. 60..70...??"

He asks if I have my documents... I didnt... he then escorted me to his car... Skoda Fabia vRS...

I get it... and blag blag blag.... saying im in a rush... its Xmas etc etc... every excuse I know... he says... "I have you on video.. you were flying along... good video I must say" ... Im like.. "uhm thanx???" ... he says... "U have a fast car... why try and prove its fast... is it a 8 or 16v? I say 8v... hes like... well your 8v left this thing back there...I have 2 options... one I can give u a fixed penalty and 3 points... OR I can give U a f*cking serious b0ll0cking and let u away with a warning"

... my response... "I'd take the latter if I could choose" ... he says... very well... just keep it down yea?.... he done a check on my car... called in the police radio woman gave em my reg... came back as "VW Golf GTI ... colour Black" then he said if its dodgy etc etc.. and summet about insurance... all came back clear.. like I knew it would.. and he said "Merry Christmas, keep your speed down"


I then fell outta the car.... changed my keks and got back into the car.... and drove home at a steady 20Mph LOL....


Modified Golf GTI, 130Bhp(est), All Smoked Plus Quad Headl

Offline tinman

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Re:Got Chased By The Cops
« Reply #1 on: 25 December 2003, 12:01 »
I had one of these one night. I was 1.30am, joined the A3 just before Hook going towards London.

The A3 is a 50 zone, buy hey, it was late, i'd been working since 9am - i'm awake, and I just want to get home.

So purposefully, I kept an eye for a Police - I was awake.

As I pulled off at New Malden I finally woke up to the fact there was a  car behind with a t*t on top. oops. He pulls me over, asks me if i've been drinking, asks me the speed limit (I'd done 74 all the way), and then tells me that they've followed me the whole way. doh.

He simply let me go with the warning, be careful sir, its a bit slippy out tonight.


The next Policeman who pulled me over 18 months ago wasnt so lucky. I called him inhuman, short sighted, and a time waster. To his face of course.

When he threatened me with a breathalyser and search the car for drugs - i point blank confronted him and said the classic words:

"knock yourself out buddy - you wont find a thing"

Anyway, after 20 minutes I let him go with a reprimand. No speeding ticket, no showme, nothing.

I shook for days though.


Offline Helios_Blue_Valver

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Re:Got Chased By The Cops
« Reply #2 on: 25 December 2003, 12:11 »
Wish I had that luck. :)

Offline Overseer

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Re:Got Chased By The Cops
« Reply #3 on: 25 December 2003, 14:29 »
I have the kinda luck where they're always chasing someone else already :)
Used to have a '97 MK3 16v GTI 3dr in 'Black Magic'... now have a '55 Civic Type-S...

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Re:Got Chased By The Cops
« Reply #4 on: 25 December 2003, 19:41 »
My luck...always at the wrong place at the wrong time :-\

Offline Gozza

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Re:Got Chased By The Cops
« Reply #5 on: 25 December 2003, 21:08 »
U think thats funny listen to this ;).

Me n me mate was flying around these twisty rounds that had a speed limit of 30 (i was in my XR2 i and he had a Saxo), we was dong about 70 - 80 and who should go by on the other side of the road but the old bill. I knew it was them as I was 50% on their side (oooops) So I see em and think o sh!te :o, I check my rear view mirror and sure enough they are turning round to chase us. I tow it and get to a hump in the road where I can no longer see em in my mirror, so I think I am not gona out run em and quickly turn down a side round park up and turn my lights off. I look in the mirror and see a flash of blue and the siren, as they fly past the end of the road I am in.

 I then get back to my house n park my mota on the drive so I am off the road.

About 15 mins later my mate turns up and says, "where the fcuk you go" so I told him , he then says he got pulled by the old bill who asked "where is the red car"......."what red car he says" .............................. ;D

Oh and if any bill do read the above, it is all made up  ;)

Offline Jelly

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Re:Got Chased By The Cops
« Reply #6 on: 25 December 2003, 23:34 »
You all sound too lucky for me!! Wot happened to me really does just confuse me!! :'(

I got pulled over by a power happy bobby yesturday evening and i wasn't even doing anything wrong!! No honestly i wasn't.
I was in town and came round an 80 degree corner doing certainly no more than 20.
This cop (there were 3) jumps into the road, asks me to get out and join him on the pavement. He then procedes to give me a bollocking for dangerous driving, telling me he'd like to put me away for 10 years and crush my car (his exact words!) and what could have happened had there been a pissed up person in the road.
When he said crush my car I thought he was gonna go into the Italian Job mafia line "Prettieeee car, very prettieee car!!!"
I really felt like shouting at him and tell him he can't do anything 'cause I'd done nothing wrong.
I just walked away from him and muttered 'Merry Christmas'!!!

Jelly's Auto Garage - My Mk1 racer build


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Re:Got Chased By The Cops
« Reply #7 on: 26 December 2003, 12:21 »
yeah would be my luck aswell but id cop for the '3 points and a fine stuff!!' ;D


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Re:Got Chased By The Cops
« Reply #8 on: 26 December 2003, 14:25 »
I got pulled beginning of december for speeding, using my phone and havin foglights on unecessarily, wasnt traffic tho just to mateys in an undercover car. gave me a bollocking turned out to be a dub fan and proceeded to show me photos of a mk1 he was in the middle of restoring, ended up chatting for about 15mins! then i went home!


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Re:Got Chased By The Cops
« Reply #9 on: 26 December 2003, 17:03 »
alright for some all the cops round here are w@nkers and dont do nowt about crimes other than wait ttill youve got a bulb out etc!!! LINCOLNSHIRE POLICE suck c@cks (each others) cause there not interested unless your parked on a double yellow or got a bulb out!!! they still havent cured the problem of they 'boy racers' in the car park behind my house doin f@ckin brunouts at 2am keepin my kids aqake at night!!!, here this LINCOLNSHIRE POLICE, you are w@nkers, how would you like some one with a 1k soundsystem doin burn outs and doughnuts out side your house at 2am???????? sorry enough said!!!! i think you get the message!!!!! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

hey ive even been out and slapped a few but it still dont cure the problem!!! >:( >:( >:( >:(