Author Topic: Water leak -  (Read 4904 times)

Offline K.Cooper1

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Water leak -
« on: 02 September 2024, 16:35 »
Hi, everytime the weather is warm, the morning after a long journey, I get the low on antifreeze/water warning light and find the expansion bottle empty/half empty, with antifreeze residue around the expansion bottle.

Initially, my garage pressurised the system, checked all the hoses etc, but couldn't find a leak and replaced the expansion bottle, hoping that was the cause. However, it kept happening, so I had a new water pump fitted, with the garage showing me the old pump, which indeed was faulty.

But the problem keeps occurring - the morning after every long journey in warm weather. I've had the car from new (2014). It's done 100k miles. Has anyone experienced the same, or can suggest a cause? Thanks :smiley:


Offline madstaff

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Re: Water leak -
« Reply #1 on: 02 September 2024, 17:52 »
When you say replaced the expansion tank, did that also include a new cap??

Sounds like the cap may be faulty.
2017 Clubsport Edition 40 #706.

Urano grey, 3 Door, Manual, Recaros, Brescias, DCC, Nav Pro, Black roof & tints.

Offline SRGTD

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Re: Water leak -
« Reply #2 on: 02 September 2024, 18:44 »
Hi, everytime the weather is warm, the morning after a long journey, I get the low on antifreeze/water warning light and find the expansion bottle empty/half empty, with antifreeze residue around the expansion bottle.

Initially, my garage pressurised the system, checked all the hoses etc, but couldn't find a leak and replaced the expansion bottle, hoping that was the cause. However, it kept happening, so I had a new water pump fitted, with the garage showing me the old pump, which indeed was faulty.

But the problem keeps occurring - the morning after every long journey in warm weather. I've had the car from new (2014). It's done 100k miles. Has anyone experienced the same, or can suggest a cause? Thanks :smiley:

The cause of your problem might be the same as one I read about recently on forum where a mk3 Leon Diesel 2.0 184 bhp (essentially a mk7 Golf under the skin) was displaying similar symptoms to your GTD.

Below is an Extract of post by forum member @SuperV8 on the Seat Cupra forum below relating to that car’s loss of coolant issue

’The heater matrix can get blocked from leaking silicate, left over casting sand or just general detritus in the cooling system.
The matrix is on a micro coolant circuit - shared with the EGR cooler so if this circuit is blocked you can get local boiling of the coolant after a DPF regen, which over pressurises the coolant which escapes out the pressure relief cap.
Probably need a cooling system flush - and a new heater matrix. Do the flush BEFORE fitting your new matrix!’

If your heater matrix is blocked, you may find you have uneven heat output from your car’s heating ducts form one side of the car to the other, or no heat at all from some vents (if you’ve not needed to use your heating during the warmer summer months, you wouldn’t be aware of a heating issue if one does exist).
2020 Polo GTI Plus; Pure White, DSG (because they all are)
Gone but not forgotten;
2016 Polo GTI; Blue Silk
2011 mk6 Golf GTD; Carbon Grey
2007 mk5 Golf GT (2.0 170bhp TDI version); Deep Black Pearl
2002  mk4 Golf GTI (the 150 bhp diesel version); Deep Black Pearl

Offline K.Cooper1

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Re: Water leak -
« Reply #3 on: 03 September 2024, 10:02 »
Thanks Madstaff and SRGTD for your very helpful replies :smiley:

I did have a new cap for the expansion bottle, but occasionally it is difficult to fit it after I've re-filled the expansion bottle.

And, my heating isn't working! My garage quoted £400 for a new matrix, which I thought was a lot of money to spend on a ten year old car (cheaper to put on a few extra layers during the winter :grin:).

But I still love the car (this is the first issue I've had over 100,000 miles) and don't want to get rid, so I'll get the matrix sorted and let you know how I get on.

Many thanks for your advice.

Offline korky

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Re: Water leak -
« Reply #4 on: 29 September 2024, 10:32 »
If it's a ea288 engine can be the inlet manifold/intercooler