Author Topic: Looking for a bit of C&C?  (Read 1008 times)

Offline TheRaven

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Looking for a bit of C&C?
« on: 23 October 2012, 09:09 »
Just looking for a bit of help with these shots, I don't feel that I've got the most out of them, they were all shot in RAW so can PP more.

Any thoughts?

DSC08400 copy by ravenphotography2012, on Flickr

DSC08335 copy by ravenphotography2012, on Flickr

DSC08376 copy by ravenphotography2012, on Flickr
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Offline bobotheclown

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Re: Looking for a bit of C&C?
« Reply #1 on: 24 October 2012, 21:31 »
nice pictures!

try duplicating the layer and on the top layer apply a hard light blending mode to it. see what that does.

Offline Winso

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Re: Looking for a bit of C&C?
« Reply #2 on: 25 October 2012, 20:23 »
Technically I'd say they're all bang on in terms of exposure etc.

First one is great in that respect as it really is hard to get 'illuminated mist' type shots right when you're shooting into the light. Impressive too that you've got the detail out of the tree trunks while not totally blowing out the mid tones and highlights (and made it look real rather than gash HDR). I'm guessing it was done in post but personally I consider that to be as much of a skill as the photography its self!

Being totally honest I think it's just the composition of 1 and 3 that lets you down a bit. 2 is good in that respect but would be awesome if you had the lighting from 1 (not that you can do anything about that!!). 1 is OK but the path is a bit distracting and I find it a bit out of keeping with the rest of the shot really. Maybe a few steps forward to get more ferns in the foreground? But then the whole shadow thing gets messed up I guess.

3 I'm not a huge fan of to be totally honest. Exposure/processing wise it's good but in terms of composition I'm not really sure what I'm meant to be looking at? I think it's the yellow tree but theres not really enough separation between it and the background to work like that. I like the foreground detail of the ferns and the background of the misty trees but the middle bit I'm not a massive fan of, it just doesn't bring the 2 other things together well if you know what I mean?

Sorry if I sound super critical, I don't mean to be. Just giving my opinons which may/may not be right! I'm certainly no master photographer by any means at all, but having my work ripped to shreds occasionally has definitely helped me develop my skills.

Offline shepgti

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Re: Looking for a bit of C&C?
« Reply #3 on: 26 October 2012, 19:21 »
ref the first shot, my bet is the light was beaming through the trees in the mist which is very hard to capture on camera, i read an article recently where someone had acheived some awsome light beams through trees by slowing the shutter speed down to around a second or so and zooming out the lens slightly whilst taking the shot.

Offline dTEA

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Re: Looking for a bit of C&C?
« Reply #4 on: 09 November 2012, 21:07 »
I like shot 3 due to the contrast in colours with background. PP Seems good. Cut the ferns n move the yellow tree left or right to lead the eye more?

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