Here is the project I have been saving for the last 8 months for. I installed AWE's K04 turbo my self biggest pain in the ass ever. AWE's S3 intercooler was really easy to me I know some people say it is a rather difficult task. I also got AWE S3 hose kit and TOP they might not do much but it is better than stock. I also installed the BSH race catch can really rather easy to install did it in under 30 mins. I installed AWE's vent mounted boost gauge it would have been really easy if I had a different T25 bit. I have not had a chance to install the White line Anti lift kit yet I think I am going to wait till my coil overs get in to install that one. The coil overs I purchased are FK Silverline X. I have read a lot of good things about them so I will update here with pics when I get them installed. All in all the turbo swap took me just over 21 hours but that was just me working most of the time alone, one of my friends would come help me after he got off of work.
So on day 1 pulled the car on the lift around 9:30am got all the parts laid out and ready to start working. Buy 12:30pm I was already done with the intercooler removal and installed the new one and starting to put everything back back on up front. I had the bumper back on about 45 minutes later. So what you all have been waiting for some Pics.

My living room for about 2 days when I got home had to move it all to a spare bedroom

This was in the first box I opened

BSH Race Catch can

UR Downpipe with metal cat

Anti lift/caster kit not installed yet

OH it looks so pretty
What could this be?

More toys from AWE

AWEsome blow pops

AWE TOP Looks amazing.

Some LED Lights

AWE S3 Intercooler

Have to rock the AWE stickers for MOAR POWA

Oh it looks so pretty out side the house.

What I used to take notes for the removal of everything

Just pulled on the lift and got everything laid out

I got told several times I was Krazy! Notice Mountain Dew in the pile of parts

One last Pic incase it didn't go back to gather right :lol:

OH boy! About here was when I found out this was going to be fun.

This part was really easy

Got the old one out new one is ready to go in now.

Side by Side

My buddy showed up after he got off of work and took some pics.

Parts were every ware.
At the end of day one. Side by side of a different kind

Inside the IHI "K03"

Inside the K04

OH look mom snails :lol:
Way more room with out a silly turbo in the way. Oh wait a sec.

Thought I was going to cry at this point. :mad0259: Luckily the same part was on the IHI turbo

Cant you see I am working here

I spent the better part of 2 days days here

Getting some ware now.
I don't know how to embed vids on here so here is a Link the the start up¤t=DSCN0527.mp4Thought I was done after that and found out the possibly the hardest coolant line to get to was leaking :mad0259: Spent 4 hours trying to figure out how to tighten it but finally got it with out taking everything apart. Just had to try just about every 19 mm set up you could think of.

Back out side my house with something new!

I say this was one of the most challenging things I have ever done in my life it really. Makes me appreciate the fact that places charge £60+ an hour for labor. But for the 2.5 days my car stayed in that stall it cost me about ~£100. I know this is something I am not really looking forward to having to ever do again.
I can literally say I have put my own Blood Sweat and tears into this build. I go get the tune installed Monday Oct 24th at noon. Cant Fricking wait. Until then I am just babying the car around only when I need to drive it keeping the RPM <3000.