Once again ... no ones taking to note the 'art' of this scam.
He's targeting people that require certain items ASAP. Like me for example, I had my iphone stolen that weekend at a party so put up a message on here saying id part with £150 if any one had one for sale ... toomany then conveniantly messaged me saying he'd had one on Orange but its unlocked etc but he wants £200 .... I haggled him down to £160 and to my luck he said "do you know what, because yours got stolen, go on i'll let you have mine if you pay cash and pick it up" and boom ... I got scammed!! simple as that really, he tricked me well, and I never fall for scams. He acted like a legit seller offering pick up and the works ... he obviously knew I wouldnt go for the option of picking up and id send funds via paypal as im 200 miles away ...