Author Topic: I need Help! Had a little accident on a mini roundabout.  (Read 3333 times)

Offline BaV

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Yesterday i was driving my girlfriends car and we had a little accident.  I am a named driver on her policy.

I was approching a mini roundabout that has 4 entrances to it.  I was intending to go straight across.

I came up to the roundabout slowed down to check there was nothing to my right hand side, i didnt come to a complete stop before the roundabout because i could clearly see there was nothing coming to my right so just slowed down enough to check then proceeded.

There was a small cue of traffic on the left hand side of the roundabout that was stopped obviously waiting for there right of way.

Once i was on the roundabout the car on the left of me pulled out and hit our front bumper / wing.  As soon as i saw the car pulling out i hit the brakes but it was too late he came straight out and hit us.

It was only a low speed bump becuase as i said i had hit the brakes very hard and we were stopping.

I got out of the car and so did the other driver, the first thing the man said was im so sorry.

Then the drivers in the two cars behind him got out saying that i was going to fast and wasnt looking where i was going and that they will give him there numbers as evidence.

The car that was behind me also pulled over and gave me hes number and said to me that he is willing to speak to the insurance companies because he knows that i wasnt speeding and also that the guy just pulled out when i was already on the roundabout.

As of yet neither of us have got in contact with our insurance companies.

Now i would really appreciate it if anyone in the insurance business who decides fault claims as a job would be able to shed some light as to who will be at blame in the eyes of the insurance companies.

Thanks alot, Richard

Offline monzablue16v

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Re: I need Help! Had a little accident on a mini roundabout.
« Reply #1 on: 31 August 2009, 20:08 »
You had right of way he pulled into you whilst you were already on a roundabout. Not too hard to guess the outcome :)

Probably got lost in the "Great Crash of 08

Offline Ben Lessani

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Re: I need Help! Had a little accident on a mini roundabout.
« Reply #2 on: 31 August 2009, 20:31 »
Exactly the same thing happened to me a few years back. I was on a full sized roundabout going straight over, clearly had right of way and was at the mid-point of the roundabout, then some dozy bint thinks she could pull out from the next junction in front, panics and hits the brakes. I had no choice but to slam on the anchors and as a result, skidded and hit her back wheel.

If she didn't admit liability straight away - at best would have been a 50/50 decision - but due to the stupid rules, it would be my fault as technically I hit the back of her car, even though I was on the roundabout with right of way.

You should have called your insurance same day to let them know

Offline Shady Pioneer

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Re: I need Help! Had a little accident on a mini roundabout.
« Reply #3 on: 31 August 2009, 23:38 »
If it was a mini roundabout, he should of waited until you were fully off the roundabout. He shouldn't of even been on the roundabout at all. If he had stopped waiting for right of way, I don't understand why he even thought of leaving his spot until you'd gone past?

And speed shouldn't even be a problem, obviously going too fast is taking the piss but you're still in right of way.

Offline BaV

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Re: I need Help! Had a little accident on a mini roundabout.
« Reply #4 on: 01 September 2009, 16:43 »
Cheers for the replies guys, yea i dont understand how he managed to do it to be honest with you.

I have been back to the spot around 10 times since it happened and i cant get my head round it.  If you are pulling out from where he was you can see at least 150 Foot up the hill. So even if i was going like the clappers (which isnt even possible on the road we were on) he would have had more than enough time to see me! 

The only reason we havent rung the insurance yet is because we are trying to sort it out without getting them involved purely because me and my girlfriend are young we dont want to have to declare any accidents when we renew even though it would hopefully not be a fault claim. They would still raise our premiums.

Just wanted to get peoples opinions on what would happen if it did go to the insurers.  I will no by tommorow if we are going through them or not.

Offline farmer

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Re: I need Help! Had a little accident on a mini roundabout.
« Reply #5 on: 27 September 2009, 19:40 »
Allway give way to the right is in the highway code so he is in the wrong! Also as the other two cars where not behind you how could they tell the speed you were going. But if u do go to the insurers it will be 50/50 was the police called to get statement and to see the scene and did you get pics, take pics of the road and roundabout and send them to the insurer may help
Its a gti world out there!