I’d be inclined to think that there is not currently a backlog, I say this as I ordered on August 10th, and it is already at status 20, with a confirmed build week of wk39 (week commencing 23rd September), I do realise this could easily be pushed back, but that was VERY quick, and surprised myself and the dealer!,
Status 38 is ‘released to shipping’ so given the lack of updates, i wouldn’t be surprised if your dealer suddenly calls up and says it’s arrived, the status codes don’t always update as expected and can jump some steps without updating, once on the ship it will take around one week to get to a uk dealer apparently, I’m not sure which port German made VWs enter the UK at, but the closer the dealer is to it the quicker the car will likely arrive.
Status codes-
00 = Assigned to factory order no production week scheduled
10 = Factory ordered with production week scheduled
20 = Factory ordered production week confirmed
30 = In transit from factory
36 = Vehicle in port of exit - not released
38 = Vehicle in port of exit - released to shipping
39 = Vehicle on ship
40 = Vehicle arrival at UK port
60 = Dispatched to dealership
70 = Vehicle arrived at dealership