Author Topic: SECTION GUIDELINES & HOW TO USE THE SEARCH BUTTON - now with "Easy Links"  (Read 38538 times)

Offline The Doc

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The way this section works is simple:

The regular mk6 section is for when you have a problem and can't find the answer, post up a question and it normally gets a decent answer.

The child board of "maintenance and info" is a section for usefull links, guidlines, how-to's etc on common problems, hopefully this will eventually become a comprehensive guide to how to fix or improve your mk6.

If you have a problem with your mk6 please check the maintenance section first to see if your question has already been answered, this will both save you time, and also (without sounding grumpy) regular users get bored of answering questions that have been covered frequently.

Also if you feel you have a usefull guide or how-to (pictures always help) then we will happily include it in the maintenance section for others to read and learn from.

Hope this helps and with luck should allow the "maintenance and info" section to become a vital resource and the regular mkIV section to remain helpfull for more random questions!

To upload pictures :

Sign up to , Upload your images and copy and paste the IMG code into your post.

Thanks and enjoy.

USE THE SEARCH BUTTON PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!  Or Easy Links below  :wink:

New - "Easy Links" - I've started to add links to the most popular or current posts below, feel free to add more and I'll put them on this list  :wink:

Anything else worthwhile coding with on a MkVI?

Post a picture of your MK6 here: -;topicseen#msg1461730

XENONS - Questions and answers on retrofitting and functionality: -

The non monza wheel thread: -

Current group buys:
« Last Edit: 26 June 2012, 10:13 by The Doc »

Offline The Doc

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  • E63s Estate - Vito Sport
Forum behaviour.

If you feel your being unfairly treated or wish to raise a concern about a post here please, please, please click the "Report to moderator" button at the bottom right of each post - we're good listeners but can't be on here 24/7 so we rely on our members to be ours eyes and ears.

We do aim to make 95% of members happy 95% of the time but please remember we're only human too  :wink:

Craig - The Doc