Author Topic: People in car parks - doors damaging your car? Why o why!!  (Read 4619 times)

Offline Mark S

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Re: People in car parks - doors damaging your car? Why o why!!
« Reply #20 on: 09 September 2005, 13:55 »

Just thought I'd tell you about my experience of people bashing thier car doors etc into our precious cars.

About 5 years ago I turned up at a Leisure Centre car park to play 5 a side footie which was at 9pm. Being 10 minutes early and the car park being relativley dead at that time of night, I parked my car away from all the other cars left, and sat in the car listening to the radio.

Two minutes later some Astra came racing into the car park and decided to reverse park into the space next to me (I had a top of the range Calibra at the time).

Well to cut a long story short he ended up reverse parking into the side of my door and taking my wing mirror off at the same time!! Turned out to be some 17 year old lad who was only a week away from getting his first years NCB!!

Needless to say I took him to the cleaners insurance wise, but I couldn't help thinking that if I wasn't in the car would he of left his details?  I THINK NOT!!


Offline mjamoose

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Re: People in car parks - doors damaging your car? Why o why!!
« Reply #21 on: 08 October 2005, 10:59 »
I used to work in a supermarket.
Since working there I've probably got about 400 in repairs to the bodywork.
Some bastard dented the car just under the Golf badge on the rear, looks like the passenger side had a trolley scraped across the door as there are equally spaced white spots that look like trolley dings, the door is scratched to fook on the drivers side and it was mint before I worked there!  :angry: :angry: :angry:
Next time I see someone dent my car hold me back FFS!

Offline kniterider

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Re: People in car parks - doors damaging your car? Why o why!!
« Reply #22 on: 17 October 2005, 14:22 »
it some times makes you wonder why we bother to have anything nice at all, it would be nice to hink most peeps are carefull with there stuff but there not....

id gone to hospital a few years back, cant remember what car i was in, thinks it might have bene the mk4, but i pulled up parked then this old crooner pulled up in his fiat marea estate and whack... opened his door into mine..... wasnt best pleased and had a right old swearing session at him, couldnt bring me self to thump him even though i felt like it... so unfortunately for him his car was still there when i left..... and a big screw driver over every drivers side panel made me feel a whole lot better.. i wouldnt normally resort to this kind of behaviour... but my cars arent just 'cars' as some peeps refer to em as.....if some body hurts m.. i hurt the person thing responsible

i think they should have barrier in between the bays in car parks... problem would be solved then!