An impact gun will spin the top nuts off in about 5 seconds... Either get a garage to do it and slip them a fiver, or you can get an awesome 240v Clarke one from machine mart.
this is exactly what i did, and yes, 5 seconds... probably less.
so, a bit of a delayed update but none the less....

and how she used to sit:
She flew through the MOT! 3 minor advisories, i was made up. so the work commenced...
I went for the budget JOM's after getting some advise from some forum members. I've had a proper nightmare with these coily's, which is still on going! i have no intention of writing up a 'how to' but i will post you a few pics and problems that i came up against.
In a nutshell, the rears went on
one weekend, the fronts went on the
following weekend, and the whole lot got stripped, readjusted and put back on the
third weekend! (with lots of f**king around most nights, after work, in the dark :/). during this whole debacle, heres a couple of guides i found particularly useful: mentioned before we couldn't get the front top mounts un-done so we attacked the rears first.

everything went well, it was an easy job and that was weekend one out of the way. now she just looked like a dog dragging her arse.
immediately following install, there was a horrific rasping noise. thought they just needed time to bed in so let it be. it didnt go away, far from it. worked out it was the plastic 'washer' (excuse my ignorance) rubbing up and down the thread:

so the plan was to correct this problem in weekend two, whilst fitting the fronts. but inevitably the front end wasn't without its problems and the day vanished, along with my temper.
none the less all four coilys were on for a week which gave me a good idea of what i needed to do to get them right and what the ride was going to be like.
roll on weekend three, up at the crack of dawn, stripped the lot off and started all over again.
the problem with the rear nearside was easily diagnosed, i'd assembled the top mount incorrectly. i'll explain with this diagram:

I got 16 and 17 the wrong way round.
so for what its worth, here's how to assemble both ends:
If i've got either of these wrong please let me know! haha!
In my opinion, getting the assembly right is the battle won; fitting the coily's is actually childs play.
initially i had her proper slammed, but the ride was pretty bloody awful. so the second time around i raised her a bit and am relatively happy with the ride/height ratio. my main pitfall is not knowing where to measure to and from. so there was a hell of a lot of faffing.
basically, right or wrong, i took my measurement from the locker nut to the base of the thread. on the front its
56mm, and on the back its
82mm. now i dont know if such a big difference is good or bad, but i do know the measurement between arch and wheel, both front and back, pretty much matches.
the measurement:

As you can see I took her in for 'hawkeye' alignment.
they toed in both fronts. the rears are obviously fixed, so apparently they cant do anything about the misalignment there. the positive camber and negative caster up front they also can't do anything about apparently.
So this is where i really need some advise from the forum. before fitting the coilys i had no issue with alignment. now i have, shes tracking to the left, pretty bad too (imo). i watched the guy sit the wheel straight and toe both sides in, but shes still pulling to the left; exactly as was before i paid them £36 quid for the pleasure.
They told me there must be a underlying problem, but like i say, there was no problem before i fitted the coilys.
is there a way i can sort this myself?
should all the coily's be sitting at the same height?
if so, how do i get the most accurate measurement?
how can i make sure each corner is mirroring the opposite? again, how do i get the ride height measurement? as i know this will affect the steering as well.
if i could just correct this tracking problem i'd be happy as Larry. my mate reckons the only way to do it is take it in for full four wheel alignment, but if im gonna do that, i might as well have just paid someone to do the whole lot.
If anyone can lend some help or advise it would be hugely appreciated.
thanks all