Author Topic: MK3 gti 16v- HARRY build. Condom based paint  (Read 31062 times)

Offline LowlifeDubber

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Re: MK3 gti 16v- HARRY build.
« Reply #10 on: 19 October 2012, 12:13 »
You should have listened when I said you should do some work instead of w@nkingnoff to horse porn.......

Offline laitymk3

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Re: MK3 gti 16v- HARRY build. Condom based paint
« Reply #11 on: 19 October 2012, 15:13 »
So for a while I had the car as it is in the pictures above but started to get feed up with the poor paint. It was about 4 different shades of dragon green, had large scratches and the rust on the wing invited me so much to poke that I did, resulting in a fairly large whole. The other wing had a dent just to add insult to injury. My plan was to do a home brew satin paint job. I worked out the misses was away for a week so started to think about what was needed.

Anyways I changed my mind about the satin finish as I figured it was quite a large risk spraying a whole car as I have only ever really sprayied badges and such. I then came across this magic paint called PLASTIDIP which is rubber based and full removable.

So now I had decided the car was going to be a matte finish using plastidip.

So I decided on a colour and a theme and started to get things in place. Wanted to go back to the GTO trim and arches so got a new set which were in great nik, got a new interior and a few other bits and bobs and waited for the other half to jet of to Mexico.

First job was to replace the wings and sort out any surface rust around the car. This meant sanding the rust back and then curing it before recovering it.

So we went to Grimsby to pick up the wings and a exhaust.

And got started.

Then started the task of rust.

And then a light spot of masking, decided that as the paint peels of like vinyl once dry we did not need to mask of much. In hindsight I wish we had done more!

And then we got the rubber paint ready and decided to go full steam ahead.
And this is what happened.

So I cleaned up the trim and added a pinstripe that goes with my new interior.

So once the trim is back on and managed to get rid of a lot of the over rubber spray……

So now I have a condom based paint job which I clean by using panel wipes. For me I like it and it is a massive difference. Some people will no doubt hate but o well. At the end of the day if I decided I don’t like it I can just peel it ALL off. 

More pictures to come as i need to take some better ones.

thanks for reading  :cool:
« Last Edit: 19 October 2012, 15:14 by laitymk3 »


Offline LowlifeDubber

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Re: MK3 gti 16v- HARRY build. Condom based paint
« Reply #12 on: 19 October 2012, 16:15 »
Looks well that!Id like to point out that the drivers side wing is very special to me. :evil:
Lots of work has gone into that....did you get any help  :whistle:  :grin:

Offline laitymk3

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Re: MK3 gti 16v- HARRY build. Condom based paint
« Reply #13 on: 19 October 2012, 17:37 »
Got to mention a massive amount of help from Gary :)


Offline leigh_harty

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Re: MK3 gti 16v- HARRY build. Condom based paint
« Reply #14 on: 19 October 2012, 17:57 »
Got any better quality pictures? Personally prefer naked women in peelable rubber but the golf is still looking  :cool:
Dont lose your dinosaur!

Offline laitymk3

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Re: MK3 gti 16v- HARRY build. Condom based paint
« Reply #15 on: 19 October 2012, 18:20 »
Not at the mo mate, think I might go out on Sunday and take some. Thanks though pal :)


Offline rich1977

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Re: MK3 gti 16v- HARRY build. Condom based paint
« Reply #16 on: 19 October 2012, 19:13 »
be interested to see close up pics in good quality and how durable this stuff is just been looking at vids on you tube and really tempted to do something simular to the anni voucher code RL15 for 15% off all pens,toners and ink cartridges including cannon Epsom dell and hp.

Offline murraymint

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Re: MK3 gti 16v- HARRY build. Condom based paint
« Reply #17 on: 19 October 2012, 20:20 »
Love the massive effort in the masking up!!! And the think the new wheel wall tyres look pritty trick!  :grin:

Looking good bud!  :cool:

95 Mk3 golf 1.6 CL, 96 Mk3 golf gti 16v, 89 Mk2 Jetta GL97 Mk3 golf gti 16v, 99 bora 2ltr se, 83 mk1 golf 1.1, 15 polo 1.2 tsi

Offline LowlifeDubber

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Re: MK3 gti 16v- HARRY build. Condom based paint
« Reply #18 on: 19 October 2012, 20:39 »
Before spray job.
Lowlifedubber:"Shall we mask this off Ryan?"
Ryan:Nah it will just peel off!Its plastidip baby!!!!"

Lowlifedubber:"Your sure Ryan"
Ryan:"Yeah bud will be fine!"

After spray job.
Ryan:fuc%&*($&FH£$%^$TWA7 feck my mother fecking life i have so much work to do i wish we had masked it up more,Gaz why didnt you make me mask it up more,jesus sweet mary mother of god its not peeeling off its too fine,the tyres are p!ssing white too!Fook me im gunna be hours doing this!!!!!!"

Lowlifedubber: :grin: Catch you later dude.

Offline murraymint

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Re: MK3 gti 16v- HARRY build. Condom based paint
« Reply #19 on: 19 October 2012, 20:45 »
Before spray job.
Lowlifedubber:"Shall we mask this off Ryan?"
Ryan:Nah it will just peel off!Its plastidip baby!!!!"

Lowlifedubber:"Your sure Ryan"
Ryan:"Yeah bud will be fine!"

After spray job.
Ryan:fuc%&*($&FH£$%^$TWA7 feck my mother fecking life i have so much work to do i wish we had masked it up more,Gaz why didnt you make me mask it up more,jesus sweet mary mother of god its not peeeling off its too fine,the tyres are p!ssing white too!Fook me im gunna be hours doing this!!!!!!"

Lowlifedubber: :grin: Catch you later dude.

 :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin: :grin:

95 Mk3 golf 1.6 CL, 96 Mk3 golf gti 16v, 89 Mk2 Jetta GL97 Mk3 golf gti 16v, 99 bora 2ltr se, 83 mk1 golf 1.1, 15 polo 1.2 tsi