Author Topic: do all companies cove rme/you to drive other cars on fully comp  (Read 2446 times)

Offline Britman

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ive been using my mums fiat secento, as not got my car now i just assumed im covered as have her permission and im fully comp with admiral, but i started to think maybe i should check is there catches as im sure they wouldnt want me driving say a ferrari  with owners permission, is there a limit on cars or other catches i hope im covered asbeen using car for last week, I guess il have to check with them and hope theres no catches that turn out im not covered, im 22 by the way, i know its very unlikely il get stopped as its taxed insurred etc anyway ive not been stopped for over 3 years at least with fully legal, but still worried im not covered all of a sudden
« Last Edit: 11 August 2007, 20:52 by adrenaline »

Offline Rhyso

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generally if you have a fully comp policy you only have Third Party insurance if and when you drive other people's cars.  Best thing to do is get your mum to add you to her policy whilst you look for a car.  That way you'll know for sure you are covered FULLY :afro:

Offline Britman

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i just ad a feeling i might not be covered due to my age, and thought maybe there a age thing like over 25's only or something are covered on fully comp with some compnies with fully comp, as long as its legal that ok tpft

Offline monzablue16v

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Think you have to specify it worth a phone call to the insurers to check, it's quite a nasty chunk of points if you get tugged and it's not or if anything else ......

Probably got lost in the "Great Crash of 08

Offline martinb

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its a common mistake to assume you are covered to drive other cars on comprehensive insurance.

driving other cars is available on both fully comprehensive & tpft cover but is usually dependant on your age and occupation.

It is normally third party only on other cars as long as you have the owners permission, the car is not owned/registered to you and the vehicle MUST have an insurance policy elsewhere that covers it.

Also it usually only covers other CARS so often commercials/bikes atc are not covered and you are usually only entitled to it if you are the policy holder (if your a named driver on your parents policy then its likely you dont have it).

Dont ever assume you are covered for it, always check. i think this has been discussed before if you look on this section somewhere.

Hope that helps

Martin  :smiley:


Offline Mew

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the vehicle MUST have an insurance policy elsewhere that covers it.

Do HIC specifically say that Martin? I'm not with them so not too sure, but i've never seen that in writing anywhere before including the likes of Bell, Norwich Union, RAC or Elephant. How likely is that to stand up in court?

Offline martinb

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no its not something specific to HIC. The car must have insurance on it cos if you park it anywhere or even if you are pulled and asked to step out of the vehicle then that car is then on a public road with no valid insurance covering it.

It also stops people buying a mini, insuring that then having a porsche or summat that they just drive under "driving other cars"  :wink:

Martin  :smiley:

Offline Mew

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I realise it isn't something specific to HIC, i meant do they specifically say it in their written terms and conditions? I'm not doubting for one second that it is not the case, it's just insurance companies never seem to specifically state it in writing from what i've seen.

Obviously it's not your fault or problem and i'm not having a pop, but from what i've seen insurance companies could make it much clearer (by actually putting it in writing!).  :smiley:

Offline gtitdi

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I know that RAC, and probably Norwich Union too, being part of the Aviva group, don't cover fully comp drivers on any other cars automatically - they say this clearly in the booklet you get with your insurance...

Offline martinb

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I realise it isn't something specific to HIC, i meant do they specifically say it in their written terms and conditions? I'm not doubting for one second that it is not the case, it's just insurance companies never seem to specifically state it in writing from what i've seen.

Obviously it's not your fault or problem and i'm not having a pop, but from what i've seen insurance companies could make it much clearer (by actually putting it in writing!).  :smiley:

I know what you mean, we are a broker so there would be nothing from us about it, it would depend on the actual policy book for the underwriter who we placed the business with. I have just been looking at a couple of policy booklets from some of our major underwriters to see what they say and it is pretty heavy going reading through them, even for me.

Quoting one of our major Underwriters (Chaucer) policy books though:

"Driving other Cars
What we do not cover:
*Any Liability under this insurance if the owner or keeper of the motor car you are driving has not arranged his or her own insurance on the motor car to cover his liability to others"

That said, some of the other Underwriters dont even mention it so it could certainly be made clearer imo.

Martin  :smiley: