Author Topic: DTUK CRD-T BOX -- GTD 240BHP??  (Read 72548 times)

Offline Ej1749

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  • Hey all! I may need some help.
« Reply #130 on: 22 April 2022, 10:57 »
one of the most recent customer supplied dyno sheets using the 3 Channel CRD3+  :whistle:

Get a youtuber to do 10 half mile runs with a DTUK car and a REVO tuned car or similar - put your money where your mouth is :wink: :wink: We need to put this remapping/tuning box rivalry to bed.

I know I am a bit late to the party. I just wanted to relay and ask for a bit of information regarding the boxes? I have been told by a very reputable well known tuning company that there is no way to get the GTD past 225-230bhp and that is on high octane fuel, unless you upgrade the turbo. Please understand, I am simply curious and am not trying to cause beef and I haven't mentioned anything to them about DTUK, I only mentioned about the tuning boxes in general.

I have a stage 1 map on mine and it has made a difference through every gear, especially from 4th. I have never trusted dyno's as my mate actually owns one for his shop, and he has told me that he doesn't even trust his own dyno 100% (he even lets his customers know that it could be out by a few BHP, even when calibrated). and that the majority add more power on the graphs, fluctuating up to 5-10% above and below the actual BHP figure. However, mainly above.

I am sceptical about the 240bhp claim simply because all the other tuners (mappers) state a maximum of 230bhp, I think REVO claim 232 when converted from PS to BHP. FYI, it was not REVO that I spoke to about 230 being the absolute max.

I think this needs to be settled properly with 10 half mile drag races against a REVO stage 1 or similar. If this has already been done then great, but it would need to be a proper REVO fan or similar, with a clear background in using REVO or similar, on a few cars, so that people do not think the results are manipulated.

If the car does kick 240BHP then we will see clearly over 10 half miles runs that the DTUK tuned car will very slightly pull ahead, even if it is only half a car length - To me, half a car length would get me buying one.

I think there are probably several hundred thousand people that would want to see this. I have been waiting over 2 years to see this. Also, it would be amazing publicity for DTUK - I am sure one of the youtubers like 'Officially Gassed' would happily set something up.

If the results are in favour of the DTUK I will buy one, and drive around with a fat DTUK sticker on my bumper for calling you out.