Author Topic: Clicking noise during downshifting and deceleration  (Read 7395 times)

Offline jlewis0513

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So, I drive a 1998 mk III Golf 2.0 with a manual transmission and I've recently noticed that when I downshift or even just let my foot off the gas pedal, there's a regular clicking noise that seems to be coming from (I believe) the transmission.  I've done some research, and it seems as though it could possibly be the driver's side cv axle.  The noise, however, does not seem to be affected by whether or not I'm turning.  I have been listening carefully, and it stops when I have my foot on the gas - whether accelerating or going constant.  As soon as I remove my the gas, though, the clicking starts.  When put the car in neutral, it's still there, but much fainter.  Any advice or suggestions?  Is it worth trying to replace the axle first, or is my transmission just on its way out?

Offline gasketface

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Re: Clicking noise during downshifting and deceleration
« Reply #1 on: 05 August 2019, 00:52 »
If it does it at idle,standing still,then it's not your cv joints or driveshafts.

It may be gearbox itself so replacement is only option.

Offline gazareth

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Re: Clicking noise during downshifting and deceleration
« Reply #2 on: 16 August 2019, 13:44 »
could be a worn inner cv joint or maybe the bolts have come loose