Author Topic: Kerb Mirror Function  (Read 17145 times)

Offline GTDING

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Re: Kerb Mirror Function
« Reply #10 on: 06 February 2017, 20:32 »
The left mirror waits until you're doing more than 5mph (as Sootchucker says) to come back up in the same way that the parking sensor display on the media unit stays in parking mode - the car isn't sure you've finished a parking maneuvre until you start going forward by more than 5mph and until you've reached that threshold it will leave everything in parking mode (maybe you're doing a 10-point turn down a street barely wider than the car is long -done that before!).

Yes v frustrating that and embarrassing, sweating away at the wheel! I think we've all been there :smiley: Cool gizmo that mirror function though: I get out after parking at our son's school, using this function kinda..hey Daddy cool, you know! :cool: :grin: