Author Topic: De-oranged the indicators today  (Read 1887 times)

Offline FroGTI

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De-oranged the indicators today
« on: 09 August 2009, 14:56 »
This probably doesn't count as a mod, so I didn't take any photos, but despite the fact that VW have used SilverVisions on the GTI, they still looked a bit orange to me. So, I removed the bulbs (they're weird little blighters, about 2/3 the size of a normal indicator bulb), masked off the brown holder (which I don't believe can be removed from the bulb), and sprayed them with some silver paint. Not completely opaque, of course, just enough to cover up most of the orange.

They still flash as orange as before, but there's no longer that annoying orangey hue to the lens when viewed head on.