No sadly not, I got this car relatively cheap and it came with nothing apart from 1 key and the log book. I hadn't ever seen one in this colour so bought it at random, knowing I could probably brake it for nearly what I had paid. I've got it through an mot now. I've got exams on the go at the moment but will be getting insurance and tax next month so will find out if there are any real mechanical issues once I start to use it, (fingers crossed there aren't!)
Most of the trips I need to do next month are between Nottingham, Hinckley and London so if there are problems I should pick up on them pretty quickly.
When the engine is warmed up a leak appears, I am not sure if it is oil or powersteering fluid yet, hopefully it's nothing to bad. I do have most tools to repair whatever it could be, just don't really want to pour too much money into parts for it until I've used it for a bit and know I actually like the car.
I will keep you updated next month, I'm not doing anything to exciting to it apart from trying to keep it looking fairly standard with subtle cosmetic mods.