General => General discussion => Topic started by: SRGTD on 04 April 2018, 22:30

Title: ‘Website Not Secure’ warning since updating to Apple software version IOS 11.3
Post by: SRGTD on 04 April 2018, 22:30
Updated my iPad to software version IOS 11.3 yesterday and when I go to the forum logon screen now, I get a ‘Website Not Secure’ warning message in the address bar at the top of the screen when I’m inputting my forum name and password. Didn’t get this warning before updating to the latest software version, and I’m not getting this warning on any other forums I’m a member on when I log on.

Have any other iPad users noticed this? Is there a security issue with the forum?
Title: Re: ‘Website Not Secure’ warning since updating to Apple software version IOS 11.3
Post by: physio on 05 April 2018, 11:47
Yes . I just logged out and logged in again on my i pad
, same result big red  website not secure notice   .??????
Title: Re: ‘Website Not Secure’ warning since updating to Apple software version IOS 11.3
Post by: SRGTD on 05 April 2018, 12:40
Just found this on the Apple website;

To Forum administrators; any action required by yourselves to make the forum secure/safe?
Title: Re: ‘Website Not Secure’ warning since updating to Apple software version IOS 11.3
Post by: physio on 05 April 2018, 12:43
We shall await a rely  :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:
Title: Re: ‘Website Not Secure’ warning since updating to Apple software version IOS 11.3
Post by: jv on 05 April 2018, 18:57
Oh rely?  :whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

The warning is because the site doesn't have a ssl certificate installed and hence no https address. This has been the case for the last 16 years. In late 2017 Google and now Apple starting making more of a thing of this and putting 'not secure' in the browser title bar. Sure, it's a big deal for your banking site and any ecommerce but for a forum - much less so.
Title: Re: ‘Website Not Secure’ warning since updating to Apple software version IOS 11.3
Post by: SRGTD on 05 April 2018, 19:12
Thanks jv for clarifying.  :smiley:
Title: Re: ‘Website Not Secure’ warning since updating to Apple software version IOS 11.3
Post by: ajmoir36 on 05 April 2018, 23:33
So, basically if you use this site make sure the password and username is not the same as other sites, email, banking sites e.t.c.

If you are in a hotel or on a foriegn wif-fi your username/password will be transmited unencrypted accross the network which makes it succeptible to interception.
Title: Re: ‘Website Not Secure’ warning since updating to Apple software version IOS 11.3
Post by: BobbyT on 15 May 2018, 17:18
Oh great, now I can't do my internet banking from the Mk7 section   :sad: