General => General discussion => Topic started by: sarahtom on 25 March 2017, 19:17

Title: Golf safety issue
Post by: sarahtom on 25 March 2017, 19:17
I recently experienced a sudden and complete loss of drive in my Golf with severe safety implications - I was going through a double bend on a country road and had three children in the back of the car. It turns out that all VWs made in the UK in 2008-11 were issued with faulty gearbox fluid that causes slow-to-emerge damage (up to 10 years) due to the formation of deposits of conductive material in the mechatronic, which can cause sudden and dangerous loss of drive when gears fail to connect. I experienced frightening and dangerous situation - but a woman in Australia was killed when this happened to her. NO RECALL NOTICE WAS ISSUED in the UK to put right the initial fault, so I was unaware of the dangerous fault - as are all UK drivers unless they service the car with a VW garage (because garages were issued with Workshop Actions, but no letters were sent out to owners). VW UK refuse to acknowledge Duty of Care to replace parts with huge safety implications, as no letters of recall have ever been issued to UK drivers - unlike in USA, China, S E Asia, Australia, New Zealand, where parts are replaced up to 10 years after manufacture to ensure safety. Where is the Duty of Care towards UK customers? After 5 weeks of talking to VW Customer Care, they have refused to take responsibility
Title: Re: Golf safety issue
Post by: hardmonkeys on 25 March 2017, 20:42
how old is the car?
Title: Re: Golf safety issue
Post by: brettblade on 27 March 2017, 09:13
Bit of Googling results in an article that points to a voluntary recall happening in 2013, after some issues were apparent in particular climates but it's not something I would say is widespread.  Has the car had the oil and filter changed?