General => Detailing => Topic started by: Tease-MotorSport on 12 March 2010, 16:03

Title: !Epic Scratch Remover!
Post by: Tease-MotorSport on 12 March 2010, 16:03
I had a Few nasty scratches in the golf from narrow lanes with Thorny bushes..

I read a couple of the Guides in this section and the rule seemed to be if you can feel the scratch its to deep to Polish out! :cry:
But I had heard of some product that Turtle Wax produced that was meant to be quite good, how did I here about it I hear you ask well the story Go's..... Around were I live we have the usual Nova/Saxo "Crew" and there is one Nova In question which is Painted in Ford St Orange and as I understand has a Calibra red Top in it! Anyway all of the local Gypsy Racers love it and Think its the Mutts Nuts, So I here all of the story's in the Pub Like.. "Ohh He Raced a 911 and Owned him Bludd", Sooo I was on the A30 (Local Dual Carriageway) in the RS2 and This Bright Orange Nova Came right up my Arse.... Obviously the race that in-sued Never went past 70 Mph Hahahahaha Long story short! A couple of days later he came up to me in town and was amazed that a big old Audi had left him in the dust... Making conversation I asked him how he Kept paint so nice and he told me about Turtle Wax Colour Magic

Here's the Stuff


Here's the Offending Scratch


Here's the Prep


Here's the Polish


Here's the End Result


Obviously its still there but you actually have to look for It!

Hope this Helps Sorry about the Ramble :grin:
Title: Re: !Epic Scratch Remover!
Post by: Dan J on 12 March 2010, 16:26
stunning mk3 chap absolutly stunning :wink:
just for the record turtle wax products are completly pointless useless the list goes on, waist of money. I HATE THE STUFF :evil:

your scratch repair is at best a quick fix, that will wash out eventually and your back to square one, look at my scratch repair thread in the faq and guides section. permanent fix with tlc thrown in for good measure.

many moons ago down my way there was a chap that had a nova with a red top calibra engine,yes it was quick but would never eat a 911 or an rs turbo for that matter, some people really talk some sh1t sometimes.
Title: Re: !Epic Scratch Remover!
Post by: Tease-MotorSport on 12 March 2010, 16:52
Thanks for the Nice comments! Yeah it is a Quick fix... Possible respray on the books Tho!
Title: Re: !Epic Scratch Remover!
Post by: waxamomo on 12 March 2010, 19:49
I agree that if you can feel the scratch it is too deep to polish out. However, by machine polishing you can round off the edges of the scratch which makes it a lot less obvious as the light does not reflect off the rounded edges. Someone knowing what they were doing could really make a huge improvement to that scratch. May be worth a try before a respray.
Title: Re: !Epic Scratch Remover!
Post by: Tease-MotorSport on 12 March 2010, 20:36
I want a Respray for a colour change not for scratch cover up! (Candy Cherry Red Btw) and thanks for the advice on the machine polishing the RS2 has got a some Scratches that could probably do with that treatment... Time to Befriend someone local with Mad polishing skills!!!  :cool:
Title: Re: !Epic Scratch Remover!
Post by: Rhyso on 12 March 2010, 20:44
Tease - nice work but please re-size your sig picture :afro:
Title: Re: !Epic Scratch Remover!
Post by: Tease-MotorSport on 12 March 2010, 22:16
Thanks! and Done!