Author Topic: Engine won't start/stalls out if started  (Read 9780 times)

Offline Hudgie114

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Engine won't start/stalls out if started
« on: 28 February 2018, 18:08 »
Hi all, new to the forum.
Had my Mk4 GT TDi 150 for about 8 months. Been great to drive had the cambelt done and been no problems.
Started engine today at -7.5 no issues left running to warm up, came back engine had cut out, thought it was a little weird.
So tried to started again to no avail. Came back a while later to try again and it started and then stalled after about 10 minutes and the glow plug light was flashing.
Now it won't start at all and the glow plug light just flashes and it says engine workshop. Looked around and alot seems to point to relay 109. Just wanted to see what you guys on the forum here are thinking.