Author Topic: Tatton Park VW Show  (Read 6982 times)

Offline Ash98

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Tatton Park VW Show
« on: 22 July 2022, 12:14 »
Is anyone going to Tatton Park on the 7th August ?
2020 MK7.5 GTI Performance 5Door White
IG: gti.ash

Offline Markee

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Re: Tatton Park VW Show
« Reply #1 on: 28 July 2022, 12:36 »
It was on my radar but i've got the TCR booked in for a front end respray and then PPF over that period. Gotta admit having never been to a show/event in my 49 years i'm smashing them this year and loving it  :grin:
A chequered previous car history (mainly blue oval, sorry) prior to owning Golf's.
2001 mk4 TDI - died at some traffic lights due to someone not stopping!
2000 mk4 GTD - a dog of a car, sold to WBAC in limp mode!
2000 mk4 1.8T - most fun i've had in a Golf (until now) but nearly cost me my licence!
2020 mk7.5 Tornado Red TCR - current ride.