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Car audio / Re: Helix programming dongle
« Last post by Jay166 on Today at 17:08 »
Hi. Sorry, I don't have one.
Golf mk8 / Re: Bronze Racingline R360 Wheels
« Last post by Tony Jazz on Today at 14:34 »
Hello, if you wish to take a look at my post on the "What have you done etc." from 11/11/23, you can see my Racing Line R360's in Gunmetal fitted to my Mk8.
General discussion / Re: Trouble at mill... Vw on the rocks
« Last post by SRGTD on Today at 12:27 »
100,000 workers walked out this week in Germany...

This is just the start too.

Yes, I’d put money on there being more to come. I can’t see this ending well :whistle:.
100,000 workers walked out this week in Germany...

This is just the start too.
Prompted by the last two posts I looked at the BMW website for the 1 series.

Looks terribly bland …… the original version was quirky but at least different. Latest version is rather anonymous.

And ……. Looks like the 128ti has been dropped. That’s a shame.

Not many GTI alternatives left now.

Golf mk8 / Re: I bought an 8.5 GTI from stock
« Last post by DrivenToDistraction on 06 December 2024, 22:02 »
For the mode visibility you could have it change the infotainment and light strip colours by mode?

Assuming they've left you with that...

Hadn't thought of that. I'll give it a try...
Golf mk8 / Re: I bought an 8.5 GTI from stock
« Last post by fredgroves on 06 December 2024, 21:53 »
For the mode visibility you could have it change the infotainment and light strip colours by mode?

Assuming they've left you with that...
Golf mk8 / Re: I bought an 8.5 GTI from stock
« Last post by fredgroves on 06 December 2024, 21:51 »
Irritations? It’s a shame you can’t turn all the “driver assist” stuff with one button click

What stuff did you want to turn off? You can probably turn it all off permanently with OBD11...

Not possible with the MK8.5 at the moment afaik. Something to do with SFD2 protection.

Oooh so I've just read.

That's a bit crap
Car audio / Re: Helix programming dongle
« Last post by Numbers on 06 December 2024, 21:14 »
Hello, long shot but did you fit a new kit? And if so do you have the short loom with the yellow & black wire spare by any chance?

I’ve bought a second hand helix and it’s missing the plug that you swap the power wires in to. Would be great to get hold of one so I don’t have to cut & join anything.


Golf mk8 / Re: I bought an 8.5 GTI from stock
« Last post by JoeGTI on 06 December 2024, 19:49 »

As for returning to "comfort mode" - you mean the engine isn't it sport? It will remember the rest every time you start (steering, lighting, dcc settings etc) either via the sport or individual modes.

I just wanted it to retain the Individual setting permanently (Driving dynamics = S, Steering = S, Drive = C, etc). I checked the manual and it confirms what I said: "The vehicle system settings are reset to the Comfort driving profile when the ignition is switched off and then back on again". Just to be clear, it remembers what I have set within 'Individual' but I have to reselect it every time I get in the car. The other thing that's a bit irritating is that the driving mode/profile is not displayed anywhere on the digital dash (at least I can't find see it in any of the different 'views' I have tried) so you have no confirmation. On the 7.5 it displayed the word "Individual" on the dash right in front of you.

Well thats annoying and definitely a change from the MK8. In my MK8, I have Individual mode selected too and it persists across restarts. The only thing I need to change is put the gearbox into sport as that always does default to D.

In the MK8, if you configure your main instrument cluster to show the Gear selection (S1, S2, M1, M2, etc) then the word “Individual” does display under the current gear. Its probably similar in the 8.5.
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