Been a while since I’ve updated this but lots of stuff has been happening and not all of it good but hey ho; just got to get on with life

I replaced the Michelins with the Goodyear Assy 3’s as Costco had a great deal on them and I bagged a set in 19’s for £550 fitted

I’ve done over 3000 miles or thereabouts on them and they seem to be performing really well. An added bonus is they are quieter than the previous tyres
Then before Christmas I had someone reverse into me and crack my RS grill

hit me with the tow bar!!

Convinced her to buy me the grill as it would be quicker and less hassle than going through the insurance. Even though it wasn’t my fault (my car was parked when I was in work!) I know my premium would be affected.....
Went for a blast over some of my favourite roads on Christmas Eve

I ran out of talent long before the car did. The conditions were appalling and yet the car just had so much composure and grip that at some points during the drive I was going considerably faster than I thought I was

Then last Monday just as we are approaching two years together the A6 broke down......fuel injector on no1 cylinder had failed

Luckily I have some awesome mates who did a towing relay and got me recovered to a garage. Initially the garage thought there was engine damage (it was a local one to where I broke down and more a spanner place than diagnostic).
They replaced the seal hoping it might have been just that but when started up the engine rattled and the car smoked.....a quick phone call to Topher @ Midland VW reassured me it was the injector and asked the garage to perform a simple test by removing the glow plug and cranking it over. Diesel fired out of the glow plug hole which confirmed the injector had failed and stuck open. When they do this its a characteristic that the engine smokes and sounds as if its coming apart!!!
£265 later for the part and I was back on the road along with a fresh MOT

Covered over 200 miles since and all seems well.......I think I was very fortunate this time around