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Golf mk7 / Re: Petrol smell in the cabin
« Last post by DSGboy on Today at 00:51 »
I had this issue on my 2012 Mk6 GTI at age 5.   Dummy me thought it was down to different Petrol on last fill.  Dealership found leaking hpfp(!) at Service / MOT time.  All work covered under extended VWWarranty.
Golf mk8 / Re: Mk 8.5 operating system/screen gemlins??
« Last post by Carlosfandango on 07 February 2025, 22:17 »
I had similar behaviours, dealer advised me to choose me as a primary user on the start-up, as without that the car is booting into the guest mode. I have no such issues since.;)

Ah yes! Now you mention this, it reminds me I had the same when I was unable to register as primary user when I first got the car, the dealer deleted my old car incorrectly which meant I couldn’t then use the current email as the log in for the new car, I had to register for MyVolkswagen again using a new account, all was well after that. However, the OP states that it is resetting in between ignition cycles which sounds different.
Golf mk8 / Re: Mk 8.5 operating system/screen gemlins??
« Last post by WLT on 07 February 2025, 20:55 »
I had similar behaviours, dealer advised me to choose me as a primary user on the start-up, as without that the car is booting into the guest mode. I have no such issues since.;)
Golf mk7 / Re: Petrol smell in the cabin
« Last post by doberman19 on 07 February 2025, 20:53 »
Not sure if it's the same as my MK6, but I had the same issue and it turned out
to be a slight leak from the petrol filter which was situated slightly behind
the drivers side rear wheel.
Golf mk7 / Re: What have you done to your MK 7 today ?
« Last post by Mikeyd1 on 07 February 2025, 19:57 »
Been a while since my last involvement, life has been busy and just not had the energy or excitement for my car. But after a refresh of my mental health and work life balance adjustment I feel back on it.
Had car 7yrs now since new, decided to keep it but spend some money on it.
I've just had it in bodyshop for couple of car park dings and full machine polish, it looks great! Pics to follow when I've detailed it a bit.
Put new front discs and pads on today. Cleaned and sealed the calipers and had new Continental contact sport 7's fitted to new Revo alloys.

Looks good

Golf mk7 / Clubsport 40
« Last post by jasgti on 07 February 2025, 19:32 »
Good evening all, after looking at manyGTI's the past 4months, I found a 5door DSG Clubsport 40 that fits requirements at a VW dealer and have put down a deposit. 54k, 1owner, full VW history. Silver and black. To replace the wife’s current Mk5 Gti DSG. Had a Mk5 Gti previously that I had I was lucky to get with only 11k, did a lot of modifications and had zero hassle, but the current one has seen its best now.

Today they have said they found a water leak when doing an inspection before I go to test drive and will be replacing the water pump.

My question is, anything else I should be asking if they have done/checked. Last MOT advised brake pads front and rear were low back in October, but as it will come serviced with a year’s warranty do I do my visual checks and maybe pay a local VW dealer to do a once around after a few months to get any warranty work complete…

Looking forward to being back in Gti properly at the weekends.
Golf mk7 / Re: What have you done to your MK 7 today ?
« Last post by Wayne.R on 07 February 2025, 18:46 »
Removed the silica bag and coded out Start/Stop using ODBEleven. Only cost 10 credits. Happy boy now.
Golf mk7 / Re: What have you done to your MK 7 today ?
« Last post by MKgti on 07 February 2025, 18:39 »
 Been a while since my last involvement, life has been busy and just not had the energy or excitement for my car. But after a refresh of my mental health and work life balance adjustment I feel back on it.
Had car 7yrs now since new, decided to keep it but spend some money on it.
I've just had it in bodyshop for couple of car park dings and full machine polish, it looks great! Pics to follow when I've detailed it a bit.
Put new front discs and pads on today. Cleaned and sealed the calipers and had new Continental contact sport 7's fitted to new Revo alloys.

Golf mk7 / Re: Water Leak within 600 miles!
« Last post by Wayne.R on 07 February 2025, 18:36 »
So my dealer has insisted on getting the car looked at, at an Halfords Auto centre of all places.

Reluctantly, I've done this for Monday morning, purely to ascertain a quote for work.

I've gone to my 2 VW independents, who have separately quoted £870-£874 for the swap out.

I can do it myself, within a day, because unless it's at a specialist, I wouldn't trust a 'normal' garage to do the job correctly.
I have full VCDS so can prep the pump once changed, if have to do it myself, because Halfords are not getting my car to work on.

In the meantime, I have no car I can safely use!

@P6GTD you may well be right. Any time you purchase a used car, I always wonder why it's been moved on.
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