Author Topic: Should I claim?  (Read 11474 times)

Offline kahun

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Should I claim?
« on: 07 September 2015, 15:45 »
Hello Everyone,

Once i was a proud owner of a MK4 Golf GTI 1.8T which i wrote off the other day on the dual carriage way. How it happened is I slipped on the mud on the slip road and hit the central barrier. No one got hurt and I was the only one involved in the accident. Now the question is do I claim? If i don't claim I will loose my NCB and my insurance will go up loads. I was thinking about arguing with the Highway Agency for not maintaining the roads properly.

Offline dubber36

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Re: Should I claim?
« Reply #1 on: 07 September 2015, 15:54 »
Roads get muddy, just like in the winter they get icy. The Highways Agency can only do so much, so it is down to us motorists to make sure we are attentive when driving.

I'm not sure how many other vehicles managed to negotiate the mud without crashing before or after you, but it sounds like you made a mistake and are looking for someone to blame so that you don't end up paying for it. Please forgive me if I've got this all wrong.
Red Mk6 gone replaced with a white Mk7 which has gone too. Green Mk2 here to stay.

Offline kahun

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Re: Should I claim?
« Reply #2 on: 07 September 2015, 16:03 »
I will agree I was going quite fast for the conrer but I did not exceed the speed limit and yes I don't wanna be paying £3000 for repairing the central barrier but then at the same time I don't fancy loosing my NCB and the insurance going up a lot.

Offline dubber36

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Re: Should I claim?
« Reply #3 on: 07 September 2015, 16:19 »
I don't wanna be paying £3000 for repairing the central barrier

But you are happy for someone else to pay for the damage you did?

We've all made mistakes, I've made my fair share, but we have to suck up the consequences and learn from them. We have insurance for a reason, not just because it's a legal requirement. Use it for what it is intended. Your insurance company will look to see if there are any mitigating circumstances, as I don't suppose they will be too keen on paying out unless they absolutely have to.
Red Mk6 gone replaced with a white Mk7 which has gone too. Green Mk2 here to stay.