A word to the wise. I would not recommend a rear disc conversion on a mk1 if you intend to drive it 'properly'. The mk1 weight distribution coupled with the rear compensation will mean you always have an overbraked rear axle.
The same goes with the front discs. Upgrading them to 256 (or perhaps 270) mm is ok, but no further. The mk1 doesn't need anymore braking than this due to its light weight. An overbraked car is more dangerous than an underbraked one in most conditions, particularly if road grip is compromised, you simply wont be able to cadence brake effectively.
If you are serious about improving the braking, rather than just the looks (yes drums look horrible!) service the original components first. There is actually nothing wrong with the configuration of the original cylinder, cross linkage, servo discs and drums IF PROPERLY SETUP, LUBRICATED AND MAINTAINED.
The mk1 'brakes are crap' is a myth, caused by people jumping into 20 year old cars with brake systems which have been poorly maintained over that time. There were no complaints about the brakes when the car was new.
You can virtually remove the soggy lifeless pedal feel if you dismantle and lubricate the cross linkage and servo actuator.
My mk1 has been hammered around castle coombe for over and hour at full tilt with no problems on standard rebuilt braking gear. (Yes, 239mm VW discs and pads.)
Be careful out there.