Author Topic: MK1 Problems, Misfiring....  (Read 12151 times)

Offline MK1_BOY

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MK1 Problems, Misfiring....
« on: 28 May 2003, 20:11 »
I have a problem with my MK1 GTI, when my engine get a little hot ian I go over 4000 revs my car misfires really badly and I loose so much power... My fuel pump seems to be making a strange noise when I turn the car on and it is a little quieter when the engine is running, could this cause it to misfire???  Please help me as its hurting my little baby.... :'(
« Last Edit: 01 January 1970, 01:00 by 1055631600 »
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Offline richandhazel

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Re: MK1 Problems, Misfiring....
« Reply #1 on: 28 May 2003, 21:44 »
Bring it over mate......we'll get it sorted.  ;D

Took to the roads today in the cabrio......oh boy was it fun.  ;D
Had a problem with it idling too high initially (idle screw all the way in, butterflies where's the air coming from ???)
Turned out to be a vacuum leak.....soon as I fixed it the idle speed plumetted. Undid the screw a turn and its sweet at 900 rpm now.  ;D
Changing the front shock struts tomorrow......its a bit skittery over bumps at the moment......quite a shock when it happened the first time  :o
« Last Edit: 01 January 1970, 01:00 by 1055631600 »

Offline richandhazel

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Re: MK1 Problems, Misfiring....
« Reply #2 on: 28 May 2003, 21:47 »
Sounds like your fuel pump......we can do a current check on it.....see what its drawing. Also Ben has a spare you could try hasn't he?

I have a problem with my MK1 GTI, when my engine get a little hot ian I go over 4000 revs my car misfires really badly and I loose so much power... My fuel pump seems to be making a strange noise when I turn the car on and it is a little quieter when the engine is running, could this cause it to misfire??? ?Please help me as its hurting my little baby.... :'(

« Last Edit: 01 January 1970, 01:00 by 1055631600 »

Offline MK1_BOY

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Re: MK1 Problems, Misfiring....
« Reply #3 on: 29 May 2003, 02:35 »
Nice one Rich, your my knight in shining armour.. I think Ben has a MK2 pump, are they the same/compatible??  Good day to take the Cabrio out, well done for finally getting it there dude..  My Car is very jumpy, I enjoy that though, adds a little excitment to the driving experience..  I think Ben may be back tomorrow, if he is I'll ask him if he can show me the way..  Cant wait for you to see it Rich ;)
« Last Edit: 01 January 1970, 01:00 by 1055631600 »
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Offline MK1_BOY

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Re: MK1 Problems, Misfiring....
« Reply #4 on: 05 June 2003, 13:56 »
Well I got a new fuel pump cos my car total broke down in Guildford on Saturday, fitted it on Monday, ?81 from German Sweedish and French, but it didnt sort the problam.. CRAP......  Noticed since that my rev counter doenst work when its about to die(It startd when cold) and when it does die I get a clicking from the fuse box, think its the Ralay(??) that controls the puel pump, it goes click then dies....  Pulled a few of the relays out and one had water and rust on it....  Oh dear...  Some of the plugs that go in the back of the fuse box look a little burnt(Blue plug, does anybody know what this is for, and the white plug, again, anybody know?) tried a MK2 fuse box but I think thats knackered too....  What d'ya think boys???
« Last Edit: 01 January 1970, 01:00 by 1055631600 »
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Offline richandhazel

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Re: MK1 Problems, Misfiring....
« Reply #5 on: 05 June 2003, 14:17 »
Marcus, I'll give you a call today.
« Last Edit: 01 January 1970, 01:00 by 1055631600 »

Offline richandhazel

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Re: MK1 Problems, Misfiring....
« Reply #6 on: 05 June 2003, 14:30 »
Marcus, tried calling you..........I'll try again later.
If you get in contact with Jim, I think you will find he is willing to sell you a fusebox. As for the connectors in the'll have to buy the complete loom as he doesn't want to cut it.......don't blame him. I have all the tools needed to rewire those crimps in the plugs etc.
I can also vouch for the fact that you won't pick the bits up any cheaper than from him.
If you're still coming to Santa Pod, we will see him there........I have loads of bits to pick up.
Anyway, give us a call when you get a minute.
« Last Edit: 01 January 1970, 01:00 by 1055631600 »

Offline richandhazel

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Re: MK1 Problems, Misfiring....
« Reply #7 on: 08 June 2003, 11:39 »
Really pleased we got your car fixed. For the benefit of others here , it turned out to be a bad connection on the was looking like a faulty relay but we had tested it in Bens car and it was fine.
Marcus that car is awsome (Mk1 campaign with a DX engine that is bored out to 2.0)'ve got to get that car up to santa Pod today.  ;D
« Last Edit: 01 January 1970, 01:00 by 1055631600 »