I'd get a second opinion. You have spacers, but they put the wheels only further away from the brake disc, not the drive shaft, they have no impact on the driveshaft at all. In respect to your lowering the car, ask a mechanic what happens to the driveshaft when you car drive on undulated roads? It goes up and down with the suspension, so why would they need replacing just because you lowered the car, AND just by the springs, the do not go in and out otherwise every car on the road they would pop out or rub constantly. Have a think about the angles of the drive shafts in relation to the wheels when you look at the from the side, they are like ball joints inside the cv and and the gearbox end and have slight space to compensate from the movement up and down. When you say creak loudly, it is high pitch squeek or suspension movement creak. I would have a look at the top shock mounts and bearing, as they do go in time, and maybe change to position has highlighted them more. Make a video of the noise if possible or loud enuf to do so.