Author Topic: MK2 Golf GTi with ABF 16V Lump Running Issues  (Read 8368 times)

Offline ryanf3393

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MK2 Golf GTi with ABF 16V Lump Running Issues
« on: 13 August 2023, 08:16 »
Hi Guys,

New to the forum and new to MK2 Golfs. I come from a background of modifying Honda's. Love my MK2 and owned it for around 8 months. Bought as a non runner. It is a MK2 Golf GTi 5 door with a MK3 GTi lump (ABF 16v). I am slowly getting there with it but having a few issues along the way. My current issue is, the car feels like it's misfiring and hitting a rev limit around 4K. The car won't idle either and dies every time I let me foot off the throttle. I have replaced the following parts attempting to solve this issue.

Spark Plugs
HT leads
Dizzy cap
Dizzy arm
Fuel pressure regulator
Lambda sensor
Coolant temp sensor
In tank fuel pump
Fuel filter
ECU relay
Fuel Pump Relay
Idle Air Temp Sensor
All vac lines
Engine earth cables
Fresh fuel

I am unable to replace the secondary fuel pump as the screws have completely rusted out but looking to get someone to do this soon. I have tested the compression and this is good as well.

I have also replaced the thermostat, put fresh coolant in, serviced the engine and tested the ISV which seems to be working as it is clicking/buzzing when the ignition is on and cuts out if you block the sensor up with a rag. Also if you unplug the dizzy the car cuts out as well, so I believe the dizzy is working. I have checked the timing marks and all lines up as it should.

With it being a MK2 with a MK3 engine, I do not have an OBD port, like I would on a MK3 GTi.

Nothing seems to have solved the issues, so looking to see if anyone has any advice before I plough some more money into it and look at replacing the injectors and anything else fuel related.

Thanks for reading this and I look forward to any ideas, anyone may have.