Hi everyone,
Haven't been on the forum for literally years because health stuff meant giving up driving license, then lockdown happened blah blah blah. In short, not much VW action for me of late.
Anyway, I'm back now and I've been out tooling around in my '95 16V. All going swimmingly until recently it's started idling erratically, stalling (and sometimes being reluctant to restart), stumbling when I open the throttle etc. Now I'm a bit out of practice with all this so go easy, but here's my thoughts so far:
Vacuum Leak: Have gone over everything. Found one small pipe that wasn't looking great. Fixed that but got no improvement.
ISV: Everything I've read thus far points to this being a classic case of dodgy Idle Stabilisation Valve. I've had it off and given it a really good clean. Also did the sound check - turned the ignition on but didn't crank and valve made suitable noises to indicate life. The one thing I haven't done as yet is an electrical test with a multimeter. I've found resistance values for the three pin ISV but I think mine is a two pin type. Does anyone have figures for these? Secondly, I have seen references to testing the output from the plug but again, no definitive figures for what I should see on the meter. Again, any ideas anyone?
Charging Rate: I'm a little suspicious of the charging rate. Initially, just by applying logic (problem seemed worse when lights etc. were on) I thought it might be undercharging. I put the multimeter across the battery today, ran the engine and got a reading of 14.4V. It seemed steady but it's higher than the 14V absolute maximum quoted in the Haynes manual. I've read about overcharging being an issue. Could this be enough to be causing problems?
Fault Scan: I know this is an obvious route and I'm on it. Just means unearthing the ancient laptop that I use to run VAG-COM and making sure it hasn't kicked the bucket, making sure I can remember what to do etc.!
Any ideas gladly received - it's just so nice to be back playing with old cars again!
