This applies to ALL members and not a selective few
I'm probably not the only one fed up of the constant tit-for-tat that's been going on here lately. The old excuse of 'post / pre show blues' no longer qualifies for the playground attitude that some members have adopted the last few weeks
Banter with people you know is one thing
Abuse is direct personal attacks
if in doubt read
3 - Moderation of posts
In an ideal world post moderation would never be required. However, to think that an open forum should allow people to say anything they like is just wrong. For that reason, there are a group of users who are able to modify and delete messages. Often this is just a case of keeping the forum tidy by deleting duplicate posts, moving topics to a more sensible section - that sort of thing. However, it also involves deleting 'junk', that is posts that are thought to be unacceptable. These could be anything from personal insults, bad language, questionable links etc etc. If you have had a post deleted and you are not happy about it, feel free to contact an admin and/or global moderator to ask why. Do not start another topic to complain as that will clearly get removed as well.
4 - Fake accounts/abusive behaviour etc
Yes this forum has a very social side to it but remember it is ultimately about a shared interest in VW group cars. To bring 'playground' type behaviour onto the site is not acceptable and a waste of people's time. Pointless fake accounts will get deleted. Posts containing content deemed abusive will get deleted. Have respect for other forum users.
This forum is great so lets keep it that way. Drop whatever attitude you have torwards others and remember why this site exists in the first place