Author Topic: Timing mark issues / timing belt install  (Read 7386 times)

Offline Posgolf02

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Timing mark issues / timing belt install
« on: 18 July 2023, 21:39 »
Hey y’all first post here. 1998 gti. 1.8 Basically went  and did a timing belt and water pump followed proper procedures lined up the crank and cam. Also added 2 white out marks at the top and 1 at the bottom of the crank then counted teeth and transferred the marks to the new belt. Pulled out the grenade pin and to my astonishment when I went to put the crank pulley on the timing mark was a bit off towards the firewall. Not sure if the belt moved during tension. But all the marks I made were lined back up exactly the same. Turned it over some the factory marks now seem to line up again but I’m hesitant to start it. Any ideas? My buddy has a borescope so I was gonna verify not piston to valve contact. In theory I believe if the same amount of teeth were spaced out and my white out marks line up I should be good. Please let me know if you’ve ever experienced anything like this. Thank you in advance!

Offline Posgolf02

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Re: Timing mark issues / timing belt install
« Reply #1 on: 18 July 2023, 21:47 »
I’m sorry it’s a 2002

Offline Tractor Dave

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Re: Timing mark issues / timing belt install
« Reply #2 on: 19 July 2023, 09:11 »
The 1.8 can be difficult to get spot on. I've just done one and had to rotate the bottom pulley slightly before fitting the belt as it does move back when under tension. It's not ok to leave as it is. It won t run properly. I suggest you watch a couple of YouTube videos so you get the idea. Also double check you have the right belt. VAG changed the belt and pulley set up on older 1.8 engines due to tensioner failure. The one I recently did still had the old belt set up and I had been given the newer belt. Luckily, I noticed before fitting.