Author Topic: Battery covers.  (Read 12767 times)

Offline bgbazz

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Battery covers.
« on: 17 November 2016, 17:56 »
A stab in the dark... any of you use a thermal/antifreeze cover on your car battery? Is it an OEM or aftermarket add on...does it do the job?

My MK4 TDI came with a sleeve type thing which fits nicely around all four sides, but nothing covers the top. Temps over here get down around and sometimes below minus 20C and as I've not long fitted a new (and expensive) battery, I'd like to give it a chance of lasting.

This query is not model's all about the battery, not the car.

Anyone care to comment?
« Last Edit: 17 November 2016, 18:14 by bgbazz »
Mk4 Golf TDI Estate 4Motion, remapped 1.9. Sweet runner = keeper. She is the 66th vehicle I've owned and hopefully, the last.

Offline Rhyso

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Re: Battery covers.
« Reply #1 on: 17 November 2016, 21:11 »
My MK4 had a plastic battery cover which covered all the sides and the top. Its factory fitted and I'm sure you could acquire the parts from a scrap vehicle and retrofit

Not sure how well it would protect against those temps mind  :tongue:

Offline bgbazz

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Re: Battery covers.
« Reply #2 on: 18 November 2016, 07:28 »
Thanks mate...that's the sort of thing I had in mind.

Mk4 Golf TDI Estate 4Motion, remapped 1.9. Sweet runner = keeper. She is the 66th vehicle I've owned and hopefully, the last.