This post will evolve - I will add pictures and info
Parts Required:1 x E-Prance Mini 0801
1 x DC DC Converter Module 12V To 5V USB Output Power Adapter
1 x - Add A Circuit Fuse Tap Piggy Back Standard Blade Fuse Holder ATO ATC 12v 24v
1 x Mini USB Cable A to Left Angle Mini B
Ebuyer were cheapest
1 x Twin Pack Blade Fuses 5 Amp
Small Philips Screwdriver
Screwdriver with star type end (t30)
Some Patience

and a cuppa
Step 1 - Reverse the spade connector on the Mini 0801This reduces the foot print as the GPS / Holder will not protrude from the side of the camera, but be 'under' the camera. It also makes it easier to remove and re-install.

Gently unscrew the screws, twist the base around 180 degrees and tighten the screws
While your there, you may want to use a 'sharpie' marker to black out the white text as this shows through the window.
P.S. the second picture shows the finished mod.
Step 2 - Install the GPS / Holder onto the windscreenThe holder with its sticky pad needs to go behind the rear view mirror at the passenger side.
I suggest you move out and down a little from where mine is - about where the orange square is

Mine catches the rear view mirror bracket slightly, so you may be better a little further down and over to the passenger side.
Be careful - when these stick, they are stuck hard and would be difficult to move
Step 3 - Run the Startech left angle cable It will run up to the roof lining, across the top, down the side and feed into the back of the glove box

it should just slip under the rubber

When you get to the dash - remove the side panel

run through that area and down to the bottom
Step 4 - Follow the instructions to get to the fuse box from link below - also noting the fuse location - fuse 48
Thanks 'vidman2' 5 - feed the usb lead into the fuse box areaRight - get yourself a cuppa - cos this may frustrate you
See arrow on pic - there is a small gap to the fuse box area
Step 6 - Fit the fuse tap and DC to DC converterMore and pics to follow
Step 7 - TestTest that the camera comes on when the car is started
If it doesn't - check all wiring and try again
Step 8 - Replace the glove-box and tidy wiresAgain - follow steps in this post - thanks 'vidman2'
Step 9 - position the camera to a suitable angleThe camera rotates on its holder - it is better to have more car bonnet than sky
Too much sky will make the road look dark because the camera adjusts its exposure automatically - a bright sky causes issues
Step 10 - Test Drive and enjoy 
Oh and you might be ready for another cuppa!
Some pics of my installInstalled - Drivers Side View

Installed - Passenger Side View

Installed - Front View - sorry about reflection

Installed - Front Close up

Some vids from mine - be aware YouTube re-encode so the quality is reduced - normal footage is 1080p 30fpsNight Time day Raining day
Yeh right - in this country at the moment !!!!

Try looking through some YouTube's