Author Topic: reidtastic - black GTI performance project  (Read 40318 times)

Offline reidtastic

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Re: reidtastic - black GTI performance project
« Reply #10 on: 26 April 2010, 20:36 »
RNS 510 fitted today, although ive removed it as i didnt realise i needed an ariel adaptor ! Anyway when it goes back in all be replacing
all the interior centre trim, as there is some stripping of the dashes coating due to an airfresher leak from the previous owner.

Blueflame exhaust fitted now, im a bit disapointed that blueflame didnt supply exhaust clamps so i had to find my own !
otherwise its a sweet system. It grumbles and pops on the over-run, not boomy at all under normal driving and on motorways.
Its quite loud on cold start up but when its been running for a wee while it calms right down, its got a nice tone when ripping it too although i did expect it to be louder.


My front splitter is being painted as we speak, also saturday will see the fitting of the S3 intercooler, discharge pipe, VW piston divertor and a giac remap  :tongue:

Offline reidtastic

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Re: reidtastic - black GTI performance project
« Reply #11 on: 02 May 2010, 13:41 »
Nearly finished now !

Yesterday seen the fitting of the s3 intercooler, discharge pipe, revision D piston divertor valve, front splitter and Giac pump remap.
The car is mental, very very torquey mid range and relentless all the way to the limit. :laugh:

Next week will hopefully see the fitting of my ITG intake then it will be booked in to star performance for an autotech HPFP and dyno results then thats it guys !! project gti complete, i can then start spending my money on stuff that matters like food ! :laugh:

Offline reidtastic

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Re: reidtastic - black GTI performance project
« Reply #12 on: 16 May 2010, 20:15 »
No real updates today, im still waiting on my HPFP to arrive from Awesome, but i managed to get out and take some real pictures of my car, that wasnt on the I Phone :smiley:

Offline reidtastic

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Re: reidtastic - black GTI performance project
« Reply #13 on: 25 June 2010, 23:12 »
Not much to do Now :smiley:! A few weeks ago i got my APR high preasure fuel pump fitted and my ITG intake. The car now feels so much smoother to drive and the Mid range has been mega beefed up  :evil: . The ITG intake sounds great too, it wooshes under hard acceleration, with lift off resulting in a dumping "Kutchch" sort of noise. I think im going to need to sell the RNS 510 now as i dont listen to the radio anymore, the sound of the ITG and Blueflame are music to my ears !

I also done some logs with my racelogic performance box (very accurate performance meter) to see what kind of 0-60 times ive been getting

Standard GTI Manual - 7.2 seconds

Giac Updated Torque Maps, S3 intercooler and Blueflame Exhaust - 6.0 seconds

As above with the addition of the ITG intake and APR HPFP - 5.6 seconds

The newest (last run) was taken just after the hardware was fitted with no ECU adaptation time, in 27oC heat with crap tyres so i think with new tyres on a colder day ill be looking at the low 5 seconds, which i think is amazing for a FWD car  :evil:

Once ive done a 1/4 mile ill post up the differance the HPFP and intake has made to this

« Last Edit: 25 June 2010, 23:14 by reidtastic »

Offline reidtastic

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Re: reidtastic - black GTI performance project
« Reply #14 on: 06 July 2011, 21:33 »
Anyway today i took the Car to my local body shop and got them to cut the rear quarter panels out and weld in a couple of extra doors  :rolleyes: While they were there i got them to spray it grey and turn it in to an edition 30  :evil:

Welcome to project "Mod A Month" It wont be moving forward as fast as the last one but ill get there, this months Mod will be shortend Pressed plates there is a fair bit of work in this as ill need to cover and paint previous holes in the bumbers from the longer plates that were fitted, although i wont be taking pics of this as i dont want to show my reg number for obvious reasons.

My intensions are to start with sorting the interior out, some nice colour tweaks on the outside with a couple of bolt ons , Then its on to the worst thing about the gti "the brakes" , Chassis Time then Power :evil:

« Last Edit: 06 July 2011, 21:35 by reidtastic »