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Golf mk8 / Re: SFD 2 - The end of retrofits and coding?
« Last post by Carlosfandango on 10 February 2025, 20:26 »
To be honest most of the reason I'm interested is to control some of those features.

I'm going from a MK7 without any driving aids bar ACC so I'm not sure how I'll find them (especially auto speed limit detection) and was hoping to be able to disable the ones that I don't like. We'll see how it goes I suppose. It feels wrong not to be able to do these things on a car you own.

You can turn off the auto speed limit thingy, and it stays that way too! , and even then it only works while using travel assist, it doesn’t function otherwise, the only thing that interferes in my 8.5 is lane keep assist and stop start, both of which I turn off each trip using the permanent icons at the top of the screen (very simple). The only other thing is the speed limit warning if you exceed it by the amount you personally set in the menu, it bings quietly twice if you go over it, this can be turned off too each trip, but honestly it’s so unobtrusive I don’t mind it, and when it does function, which for me is generally just as I leave a speed limit, I don't really even notice it any more tbh!
Golf mk8 / Re: SFD 2 - The end of retrofits and coding?
« Last post by seanaodh on 10 February 2025, 20:02 »
To be honest most of the reason I'm interested is to control some of those features.

I'm going from a MK7 without any driving aids bar ACC so I'm not sure how I'll find them (especially auto speed limit detection) and was hoping to be able to disable the ones that I don't like. We'll see how it goes I suppose. It feels wrong not to be able to do these things on a car you own.
Golf mk8 / Re: Mk 8.5 mpg on long motorway trips
« Last post by Adam T7 on 10 February 2025, 19:28 »
Best I’ve ever had (albeit in a 7.5) was 46.2 driving from south of Manchester to Yeovil, 220 miles, A & B roads plus motorway. I thought that was quite impressive.
Golf mk8 / Re: Mk 8.5 mpg on long motorway trips
« Last post by fredgroves on 10 February 2025, 18:42 »
Probably tight fisted me with that mileage figure   :laugh:

Yes if you use travel assist and don't have the car in sport mode you can get decent mileage.

For the non motorway bit, learn to come right off the throttle (enabling engine idle) and only press it lightly when you do push it.

Forty plus on A roads is possible too!
Golf mk8 / door panel ratttles
« Last post by joey on 10 February 2025, 18:14 »
so.....four new tyres, balanced, running very good...still got some rattles on rough road surfaces! on a smooth road no problems, a bit shaky on speed bumps and uneven roads.....anybody with any suggestions please.
Golf mk8 / Re: SFD 2 - The end of retrofits and coding?
« Last post by fredgroves on 10 February 2025, 16:58 »
SFD/SFD2 have nothing to do with retro-fitting in most cases.

Adding something you didn't purchase with the car need a SWAP code. Nobody can generate those, only VW - who charge people for them. You cannot hack a SWAP code.

SFD2 unlock is as you say not possible yet and I don't even know how OBD11 did the older SFD either - because its a one time code generated by a VW system. They must somewhere have a server submitting those on your behalf but surprised VW haven't blocked that... they will definitely know.

SWAP is to prevent people getting things without paying VW.

SFD is about protection of the vehicle from malicious tampering/hacking and its an EU requirement IIRC... and SFD is VW's implementation of this mandate.

Some things you can change without SFD.... but nothing that impairs the safety of the vehicle.

The things you need SFD for are not generally "repair items" - I wait for someone to show me where I am wrong...

I've only ever used SFD access for one thing - permanently turning off lane assist... which technically makes my car not compliant with construction and use...

Golf mk8 / Re: Racingline Bonnet Strut Fitted
« Last post by WelshGolf on 10 February 2025, 16:09 »
I was tempted to do this and then I remembered I only open my bonnet about twice a year for 2 mins.
Golf mk8 / Mk 8.5 mpg on long motorway trips
« Last post by DrivenToDistraction on 10 February 2025, 15:51 »
First off, I know that decent fuel consumption is not a top priority when buying a GTI but it is still a good thing to have! I don't do that much motorway driving these days but I did have a long trip down to Devon last week. On the 140 mile-section of the M5 from the M42 junction down to Exeter I averaged 48.7 mpg. That was pretty much cruising at 70 mph the whole way in Comfort mode (apart from a 10 mile section of road works where there is a 50mph speed limit). I looked at some previous threads for the Mk8 and someone had got 51.3 mpg on a motorway trip but I was still pretty impressed given that I only get around 30 mpg on my short A-road trips locally.

Its also the first time I have extensively used Comfort mode and I found the high speed pick-up/throttle response to be pretty good. This was in the context of quickly getting past the numerous 'middle lane hoggers' cruising (day-dreaming?) along at 60 mph.
Golf mk8 / Re: Racingline Bonnet Strut Fitted
« Last post by seanaodh on 10 February 2025, 14:50 »
I know that APR produce an engine cover but I'm waiting to see if RL will before deciding. Its a shame that VW didn't at least fit a better looking cover to the Mk 8/8.5 GTI/R range as it rolls down the Wolfsburg production line.

I was all for this until I looked it up. Two options. Carbon fibre twill, and forged carbon fibre. £475 and £585 respectively. I'm all for making my engine look nice, but that's a bit rich for my blood!
Golf mk8 / Re: SFD 2 - The end of retrofits and coding?
« Last post by seanaodh on 10 February 2025, 14:45 »
The latest on right to repair rules in the EU are here.

It unfortunately seems to leave large loopholes that VW can hide in.

As Member States implement the Right to Repair
Directive, anti-repair practices such as part-pairing
and software blocks will be banned for products
covered by ecodesign requirements…

But such practices are still allowed if “justified by
legitimate and objective factors”.
This leaves a significant loophole open for
manufacturers to prevent repair by third parties.
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