Well hello, where have you been?
So, in a bid to remind you all that it is summer I turned the forum off for a week
OK, the geek story goes like this. In late May I switched the forum to being hosted with rapidswitch after the previous supplier, 1and1 became very disappointing. Now when I ordered the new server, a second drive and raid1 setup was going to be another 20 quid a month so I took my chances and didn't bother. Obviously what then happens is that after 7 weeks of great performance the drive dies -in a way that meant recovery was only a very expensive option. I was a bit unimpressed with rapidswitch in the way that they dealt with the failure, so as I was on a rolling monthly contract with them I thought I would look elsewhere. Upshot of this being that we are now on our 3rd server in 2 months! This time it has raid1 hardware and a regular backup strategy. The forum rebuild then commenced and in true disaster style, the 2 forum database backups I had from while the site was with rapidswitch were corrupt in some way. So I used the one from when I left 1and1 so essentially we have lost the data from the time of being with rapidswitch. It's extra annoying as I had made a lot of recent changes and there have been shows like Inters on which are now missing. But at least it's back I guess.
If I have missed any changes then let me know. If anything appears to be broken then let me know. If you want to buy me a beer feel free
There will need to be further forum server config changes in the coming weeks but it should never be off for very long.
Some things are obviously going to be a bit broken in terms of anyone who joined in the time 28th May to 21st July. Hopefully we can be back to some form of sense pretty soon though!
Welcome back, did you miss it?