Author Topic: 1997 Black 2.0 8v GTi  (Read 5124 times)

Offline John06TT

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1997 Black 2.0 8v GTi
« on: 02 October 2023, 16:31 »
Car started to exhibit the well known engine shutdown after 20 mins of running & wont start till engine cools down Electrical Fault.
Car in Garage for a month, changed both Relays, Coil, crank sensor, distributer, ECU. The Fuel Pump, crank sensor still run but the pulses to the Coil stop when hot. Any idea's everyone. I'm guessing one side of the Coil is constant 12v and the other side is connected to the ECU which pulses the 0v via the crank sensor & software. Is the 0v feed to this circuit inside the ECU on a separate earth wire coming in?
Sorry people a bit technical.
If we can't find the reason for the dying Coil Pulses when all other sensors are still working then we may have to sell her.