Posted here for verification and additional comments initially.
This is how I replaced the rear beam bushes, there is a guide which involves removal of the rear beam but not one without.
Please read first and ensure that you are CONFIDENT that you can complete the job before starting, as there is no going back once the bush inners are out.
I and take no responsibility if you c*ck this up, this is how I did it and it worked for me.
You will need
Car jack x1
Small jack/bottle jack x1 (could be done with one i suppose, just used to lower/support the beam.)
Axle stands x2
Wheel removal tools
Socket set
Hammer (Large) ha ha
Pad/hacksaw suitable for sawing out the bush sleeve (If required)
Drill with 10mm bit (used to drill out the rubber and remove the aluminium inner.) Not essential but recommended.
Files (Various)
10mm stud bar, 1x nylock nut, 2x standard nuts and various washers, penny washers etc. (To get the new bushes in)
Something to "pull against" when pressing new bushes in - I used the top section from a set of hydraulic pullers and two small bits of 1" angle iron - THESE WERE ESSENTIAL TO ACHIEVE THE CORRECT POSITION BUT ANYTHING SOLID ENOUGH TO PACK OUT THE "PULLING HEAD" WILL SUFFICE.
And of course....replacement bushes - I used the VRS ones.
1. With the front wheels "choc'd" jack the rear of the car and support using axle stands.
2. Remove rear wheels.
3. Support rear beam with two small jacks.
4. Remove bolts holding beam in place, I think 17mm off the top of my head, these are the bolts which run through the bushes.
5. Disconnect the CLIPS holding the hand/brake lines, This will give you that little bit extra play to get the new bushes in.
6. Using the two small jacks, lower the rear beam to allow access to the bushes - ***DO NOT KINK THE BRAKELINES*

This is a picture of the old bushes, they are in a right state!

7. Using the drill (and probably the hammer and chisel aswell) drill/tw*t out the rubber/aluminium until the bush "inner" can be pulled out.
Leaving you with this;

This is the sleeve that needs chiseling out.
Once that is out you should be left with this;

8. Now remove the metal sleeve with a hammer, chisel and saw if required.
9. File up ready to accept the new bush.
10. Position the new bush using the clamping arrangement. (This is hard to explain but hopefully pics will make it easier)

11. Tighten stud bar nuts to bring bush into position.

12. Repeat steps 7-11 for the other side.

13. Using small jacks, raise rear beam into position and replace securing bolts.

14. Replace hand/brake line clips.
15. Replace wheels.
16. Remove axle stands and lower car.
17. Remove choc's from front wheels.
18. Enjoy, I found that this tightened everthing up altogether as well as not clanging over bottletops anymore!

These are the removed bush components, or what is left of them!
Any comments, amendments or suggestions welcome.