Author Topic: HELP! Best speakers for a Mk3!!!  (Read 9479 times)

Offline paladin

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Re:HELP! Best speakers for a Mk3!!!
« Reply #10 on: 05 November 2003, 22:57 »
Oh one last thing, there's also a sharp drop off with the speakers/setup which starts at 5000Hz and at  12500 Hz there's just about nothing.  Now I'll admit over 16K isn't all that necessary for myself but...

I hear ya about the 4 speaker thing, it's a process.

I really had limited controll over the sub with the rear speakers on, unless I sent more to the back than the front,  Where the stage (and instuments) are supposed to be.  It sounded fine, but like I was facing away from the performance.

What are you thoughts about kicker panel enclosures.  From what I can tell you go from a 6 1/2" speaker to a 6 1/8" at best, but at least it's facing you not your ankles.
« Last Edit: 05 November 2003, 23:15 by paladin »
'94 Mk III 2.0
Bosal cat-back:K&N w/mod.airbox:GIAC
Alpine 9815
JBL BassPro
CDT Audio HD-52 in reinforced q-form kicks
MB Quart 218.21 (mid's) in rear
QuietCar (being applied)

Blue MK2

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Re:HELP! Best speakers for a Mk3!!!
« Reply #11 on: 06 November 2003, 08:50 »
I would go for a full Alpine speaker setup. Might be expensive but there very powerful.

Pionner are better than sony headunits coz you have more control over the sound setup. Look for a headunit with 2 more more RCA outputs. ;)
Also with a good pioneer system you can have all the speakers running without fading the sound to the back.
« Last Edit: 06 November 2003, 08:51 by Blue MK2 »