I thought I would write this guide to show how to remove the door card and window regulator plate with the door locked closed. It is possible and without breaking any clips
Obviously you wouldn't want the door closed by choice but in my case the door wouldn't unlock electrically or mechanically.
First of all......open the window as far down as it will go.
Remove the appropriate seat base to aid access to the two screws at the bottom of the door and the door card itself. The screws are T20 torx so the forward one can be removed with an ordinary torx screwdriver such as this:-
The rear one is more awkward as the raised section of the floor of the car that the seat sits on is in the way. I couldn't get the screwdriver in so I had to improvise. I tried a T20 bit in a bit holder:-
But the wall of the bit holder was too thick so I found a piece of 1/4" diameter tubing and pushed the bit into it:-
Its very difficult to see where you need to orientate the bit to get it into the head of the screw so I put a piece of masking tape on the door and using a torch and mirror made a mark where the screw head is:-
Using a pair of pliers on the tube I was able to remove the screw
The next step is to remove the handle cap. Its held on with 3 clips and you have to pry it off, I used a plastic scraper to prevent damage:-
Using a No. 3 screwdriver bit remove the two screws in the handle.
The card is now simply held by the clips so starting at the bottom pulling the card towards you and work upwards. Here are some pictures of the back of the card so that you can see what you are trying to disengage, two black clips at the forward edge and three at the rear:-
With all the clips disengaged you need to move the card upwards to remove it from the window trim. I found it easier to work from the back and work forwards.....note the brilliant sticker in the background