Diverter Valve – When the throttle is closed on a turbo car, the turbo is spinning rapidly, and trying to push air into the engine. By closing the throttle the air has nowhere to go, and will cause a large pressure spike. The diverter valve is actuated by a vacuum line, and when the throttle closes creating vacuum behind it, the diverter valve will open and provide a path for the air. The air is returned back to the intake of the car after the MAF. When A DV fails it leaks air in this circular pattern causing boost problems.
2001 and older cars have a weak DV that is prone to failure. 2002 and newer cars have an improved design. It is durable, inexpensive (35$) and it responds very quickly. The part number for the good valve ends in 710 N. The DV is located at the back right side of the engine, it has 1 large hose, and 1 small line connected to it, and the other end is connected to your intake hose running to the airbox. To test if your DV has failed remove the DV, press the diaphragm up, put your thumb on the top nipple, and then release the diaphragm. There should be suction created on the top of the DV that prevents the diaphragm from returning. If there is no suction then the diaphragm is leaking and the valve should be replaced. IF the valve is good, check the VAC line leading up to the valve for any cut’s/ tears.
ECU – The ECU is responsible for nearly all functions on the car. If the ECU is suspected as a bad part, you need to use a scan tool such as a VAG com to attempt to communicate with the ECU. If you can’t communicate with the ECU, then the ECU needs replacement. Check all electrical connections. Check your Fuses for blown fuses. Whatever killed the ECU might kill the new one.
ECU removal procedure -
http://www.goapr.com/VW/support/ecu_tt_golf_gti_jetta.pdfFuel pump Relay – The fuel pump relay is located under the driver’s side kick panel. Remove the lower panels to gain access to the relay box. When the fuel pump relay goes bad it will trigger many fault codes with electrical shorts to ground. The fuel pump relay is also used to turn on the injectors, and will show injector short to ground failures. If you open your door you hear the pump kick on, if the pump no longer kicks on, and you experience these codes repeatedly, replace the fuel pump relay.
Fuel Filter – The fuel filter on these cars is rated as a lifetime filter by VW. What the aftermarket has found is that high HP applications can run into fuel delivery problems with dirty fuel filters. 30K miles is a more realistic interval for replacement when pushing the system. The fuel filter is located under the car near the gas tank. It has small clip on hoses. To remove the hoses press in on the clip on the end of the hose and it will come off easily. You may need a small screwdriver for this, and be prepared to have fuel leaking out.
Head Gasket - Head gaskets can be a cause of overheating, oil consumption or coolant in the oil. I have only heard of one case of a head gasket failure on a 1.8T and it was on a car running 30 lbs of boost and used head bolts. This is a repair better left to an experienced mechanic and is generally a last item to do after all other possibilites have been evaluated. overheating is usually the water pump, and coolant in the oil is usually the oil cooler failing internally.
Immobilizer – These cars are equipped with immobilizers to prevent theft. If you swap an ECU without matching up the ECU and the cluster, it will start briefly and then die repeatedly. There are 2 kinds of immobilizer. Immo II used on pre 2002, and Immo III used on 2002+. Immobilizer and ECU info can be found on the VAG COM Site.
http://www.ross-tech.com/vag-com/cars/immobilizer2.htmlhttp://www.ross-tech.com/vag-com/cars/Immo3-ecu-swapping.htmlIf swapping an engine into a car without an immobilizer/cluster, you can get software for swaps from REVO, and Dahlback that remove the immobilizer.
Ignition Coils – These are famous parts for the 1.8T they are very prone to failure. VW has had a recall on these because they were failing rapidly on 2001+ cars. To check for bad coils the best way is with a VAG COM. Log Blocks 015, and 016. This will be a misfire counter. Drive the car or let it run, and look for misfires. If you have a bad coil you will see the counter increase on a cylinder. If you have one counting up then it’s probably a bad coil. Turn off engine and take that coil out and swap it with another coil. The cylinders read left to right 1,2,3,4 when looking at the engine from the front. Use the VAG again to see if the misfires have also swapped to another cylinder. If it moved, then you have a bad coil. Replace it. If they do not move, then you likely have a plug problem. On some cars the ignition coils have problems and they will pop up out of the cylinder head and lose contact with the plug. Plugs should be torqued to 22 ft-lbs when changed. If the coils still pop up, and they are torqued properly I have created a bracket kit to hold them down – see sig.
Limp Mode – These cars are designed to protect themselves from engine damage. If the engine boosts too much, or the engine does not get enough fuel it will go into a limp mode where boost is limited to protect the engine. It limits boost by controlling a solenoid on the wastegate line (N75), by closing the electronic throttle or by opening the DV valve. If you are experiencing a limp mode the best thing to do is get the car scanned for codes and to see what is wrong. Look at fuel trims for signs of running lean, and to look for MAF problems, or O2 sensor problems. To look for potential boost problems log Block 115 and you can see the specified Vs actual boost. If you exceed the specified then there is a good chance that you will go into this limp mode. Stock specified is a max of 14 psi for a 2002+ car.
MAF – Mass air flow meter is used to measure the air going into the engine. It is located on the outlet of the airbox, and housed in a cylindrical tube. The ECU reads the MAF signal, and injects fuel in proportion to the airflow. There are a few different ways the MAF can fail. The MAF can get coated with oil, and will not read properly. This is common if it happens right after installing a CAI, or a K&N filter. It can be cleaned out with 99% isopropyl alcohol, or a quality electronics cleaner. Remove the sensor from the housing and clean the sensor element.
MAF sensors also go bad due to too much airflow. On a car with a larger turbo the airflow is so high that the MAF element will get burned out from the excess air flow. It is common to increase the size of the housing to prevent this (other modifications required).
To check for a BAD MAF the best way is with a VAG com. Block 002 show air mass from the sensor. At idle the air flow should be 2-4 grams/second. With a wide open throttle run to redline the reading should show up to 170 g/s on a chipped car. Look for jumpy readings in the MAF, which can indicate a problem. More details here
http://www.ross-tech.com/vag-com/cars/fuel-trim.html if you suspect your MAF is bad, one way to test it is to unplug the MAF, often if the MAF is giving false readings and upsets the fueling. If you unplug it, the ECU will ignore the MAF and run off of baseline tables. Be careful, as a boost leak or a vacuum leak can be miss-diagnosed as a bad MAF, because they will throw off the readings on the MAF. (Air sneaks around the MAF).
MBC – Manual Boost Controller. Often people want more boost from their car, and use a MBC. While MBC’s can get you more boost they will cause a jerky part throttle driving, and can cause over boost, often put the car into a limp mode. The way a MBC works is by bleeding off air from the wastegate control line. A wastegate is a mechanical flapper valve in the turbocharger that opens to allow exhaust gas to sneak around the turbo. By bleeding off air from the line, the wastegate opens less, more exhaust goes through the turbo, and you get more boost.
Great details on MBC here -
http://www.boostvalve.com/tech/1.8T-DBW.htmlAnd general Turbo/Wastegate details here
http://www.streetracersonline.com/articles/turbo/wastegate.phpN75 – The N75 is an electronic solenoid valve that the ECU uses to control boost. It is located in the intake hose near the back right side of the engine. It has 3 connections.
1. Connects to charge pipe = pressure source
2. Connects to wastegate actuator
3. Connects to intake hose – bleed line.
The ecu will pulse this valve at a high frequency to bleed air off from the wastegate line. It does this based on throttle position and engine load. If the valve, or any of the liens connected to it have leaks then there can be severe boost regulation problems. It’s function is similar to the MBC above. To get more boost people often swap in different N75 valves. These different valves simply have a different response characteristic, and will act different when given the same signal by the ecu. They can get more boost, less boost, or even a big boost spike by swapping N75’s.