Len.... if u REALLY want to beef up yer brakes....
How silly do you want to go and how much do you mind spending...

Check out the
Brembo Gran Turismo line....
I think you'll be wanting Brembo part
111.5001A... that includes 313mm discs, 4-pot Brembo calipers, Brembo hoses and pads.... but that's about £1900!
You can source most of them at
Top Gear = they were cheapest for the Mk2 / Mk3 4-stud (cabriolet) version (similar spec, but 305mm and 4-stud), but those are <£900.... BUT I needed 17" wheels to be sure they'd fit... 16" wheels were just too much of a gamble and I like my RX2's too much....